Submit a privacy complaint

To notify the uploader of the privacy complaint and provide them an opportunity to remove or edit their content, we ask that you fill in the information below. Your privacy is respected during this process. At no point will your name or contact information be released to the uploader without your consent.

The uploader may have 48 hours to take action on the complaint. You will be notified if the uploader removes the content or if YouTube has taken action on the content. Our communications to you about this process will be sent to your email address. Add to your spam filter to ensure that you receive these messages.

* Required field

Please complete the following required information.
Please enter your legal first name
Please enter your legal surname
Please enter a valid email address for
Please include all URLs within one report, separated by spaces.
Please include the URL(s) of the video(s) or comment(s) in question
If another user has copied your video, please submit a Copyright Infringement Notification
Please indicate the information that you wish to report. Select all that apply: *
Please select your privacy issue
Please identify where the questionable content appears within the video *
Please select where the questionable content appears
Add additional field
If you have selected multiple video URLs to report, please click 'Add an additional field' to identify where you are located within each URL. If you have not properly identified yourself within the content, we may not be able to review your issue.
Please only enter video time information in the format specified
Has this content been copied from your own channel or video? *
Please select whether your video was copied
Please note: If you do not clearly identify yourself within the video, we will not take action to remove the reported content.
Agree to the following statements *
This field is required.$0
Some account and system information will be sent to Google, and support calls and chats may be recorded. We will use this information to improve support quality and training, to help address technical issues and to improve our products and services, subject to our privacy policy and Terms of Service. Translation services may be used in chats and email.
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