YouTube Brand Requests - Review requiredAre you planning on using the YouTube Brand (e.g. YouTube’s logo, icon, website, or word mark)? Then, our approval is required. First, please take a look at the guidelines on the YouTube Brand site. When you are ready, please submit your request and tell us how you plan to use it. * Required fieldAbout your requestWhich brand would you like to feature? *Select oneOtherYouTubeYouTube Creators for ChangeYouTube GamingYouTube GoYouTube KidsYouTube MusicYouTube OriginalsYouTube PremiumYouTube SpaceYouTube TVSelect oneSelect oneOtherYouTubeYouTube Creators for ChangeYouTube GamingYouTube GoYouTube KidsYouTube MusicYouTube OriginalsYouTube PremiumYouTube SpaceYouTube TVPlease select the most prominent brand represented in your project. If you require review of multiple YouTube brands, please list the additional brands in the comment area below. Please do not submit additional requests for each individual brand. Which YouTube asset are you trying to use? *In order to use screenshots or footage of any third party content, as well as thumbnails or comments, you must get approval directly from the content owner. Check all that apply.LogoNameOtherUser interface or screenshotsWhere do you want to use this YouTube asset? *Select oneAppBootup sequenceDatasheetDigital advertisingDigital retail assetDocumentaryEmailEvents and tradeshowsFilmHardware (incl. Remote Controls)Merchandise (swag)Messaging docOtherOut-of-home advertisingPackagingPhysical retail assetPress releasePrint advertisingProduct placementRadio advertisingSocial media postSponsorshipStoryboardTraining materialsTV CommercialTV showVideoWebsiteYouTube channelSelect oneSelect oneAppBootup sequenceDatasheetDigital advertisingDigital retail assetDocumentaryEmailEvents and tradeshowsFilmHardware (incl. Remote Controls)Merchandise (swag)Messaging docOtherOut-of-home advertisingPackagingPhysical retail assetPress releasePrint advertisingProduct placementRadio advertisingSocial media postSponsorshipStoryboardTraining materialsTV CommercialTV showVideoWebsiteYouTube channelPlease describe how and why you plan to use the YouTube brand in English * 0/1000Attach a mock-up and show how you want to use our brand (only .PDF, .JPEG, .PNG files are accepted)No files chosen Choose filesThe total size of all attachments cannot exceed 15 MB. If the total size of your file(s) exceeds 15 MB, please include the link to the asset on Google Drive or another file sharing service below. Is the file password protected? Please include the password in the description box.If the total size of your file(s) exceeds 15 MB, please include the link to the asset on Google Drive or another file sharing service.Does your request contain any third party content, as well as thumbnails or comments? *You must get approval directly from the original content or comment creator.Yes, I confirm that I have the necessary approval from all third party content owners relating to this request.No, there is no third party content for which I need approval relating to this request.Which region is your inquiry related to? *Select oneGlobalAsia and Asia-PacificEurope, the Middle East and AfricaLatin AmericaNorth AmericaSelect oneSelect oneGlobalAsia and Asia-PacificEurope, the Middle East and AfricaLatin AmericaNorth AmericaIf you are launching an asset in multiple regions, please select “Global” What is the main language used in the asset submitted?Select oneAfrikaansአማርኛالعربيةбеларускаябългарскиবাংলাcatalàčeštinaCymraegdanskDeutschΕλληνικάEnglish (Australia)English (Canada)English (United Kingdom)EnglishEnglish (India)English (New Zealand)español (Latinoamérica)español (Argentina)españolespañol (México)eestieuskaraفارسیsuomiFilipinofrançais (Canada)françaisgalegoગુજરાતીहिन्दीhrvatskimagyarհայերենIndonesiaíslenskaitalianoעברית日本語ಕನ್ನಡ한국어lietuviųlatviešuമലയാളംमराठीMelayuNederlandsnorskଓଡ଼ିଆpolskiportuguês (Brasil)portuguêsromânăрусскийslovenčinaslovenščinaсрпскиsvenskaKiswahiliதமிழ்తెలుగుไทยTürkçeукраїнськаاردوTiếng Việt中文(简体)中文(繁體)中文(香港)isiZuluEnglishSelect oneAfrikaansአማርኛالعربيةбеларускаябългарскиবাংলাcatalàčeštinaCymraegdanskDeutschΕλληνικάEnglish (Australia)English (Canada)English (United Kingdom)EnglishEnglish (India)English (New Zealand)español (Latinoamérica)español (Argentina)españolespañol (México)eestieuskaraفارسیsuomiFilipinofrançais (Canada)françaisgalegoગુજરાતીहिन्दीhrvatskimagyarհայերենIndonesiaíslenskaitalianoעברית日本語ಕನ್ನಡ한국어lietuviųlatviešuമലയാളംमराठीMelayuNederlandsnorskଓଡ଼ିଆpolskiportuguês (Brasil)portuguêsromânăрусскийslovenčinaslovenščinaсрпскиsvenskaKiswahiliதமிழ்తెలుగుไทยTürkçeукраїнськаاردوTiếng Việt中文(简体)中文(繁體)中文(香港)isiZuluSelect oneAbout youYou're currently signed in as If this isn't the account associated with your issue, please switch accounts.What is your name? *Please enter your full nameWhat is your email address? *If you would like anyone else CC'ed on our response, please add a comma-separated list of email addresses here. Please do not use spaces.Please enter a valid email addressWhat is the name of your company? *Please provide the name of the company you work for.Which best describes your company? *Select oneAdvertiserAdvertising agencyCarrierContent providerCreative agencyDevice manufacturerEducational institutionGovernmentIndividualMedia agencyNGO / Non-profitOtherRetailerTV operatorYouTube creatorSelect oneSelect oneAdvertiserAdvertising agencyCarrierContent providerCreative agencyDevice manufacturerEducational institutionGovernmentIndividualMedia agencyNGO / Non-profitOtherRetailerTV operatorYouTube creatorWhich client are you representing? *What is your company's website or YouTube channel?Do you have a point of contact at Google or YouTube? *YesNoWho is your primary point of contact at Google or YouTube? *Please add the full name of your primary point of contact at Google or YouTubeSubmitSubmittedEdit requestDownload submissionSome account and system information will be sent to Google, and support calls and chats may be recorded. We will use this information to improve support quality and training, to help address technical issues, and to improve our products and services, subject to our Privacy Policy and Terms of Service. Translation services may be used in chats and email.Your email has been sentThank you for submitting your request. Please save this confirmation number: $CASE_ID. You will not receive a confirmation email. Our team will work to review it and get back to you shortly. Edit requestDownload submission