Understand your YouTube video reach

The Reach tab in YouTube Analytics is your key to understanding how viewers find your content. It provides a quick snapshot of key metrics like click-through-rate, watch time, views, and more.

Note: Some reports may not be available on mobile devices.

View your Reach reports

YouTube Studio app for Android

  1. Open the YouTube Studio app .
  2. From the bottom menu, tap Content .
  3. Select the video you’d like to see data for.
  4. Tap the Analytics card.
  5. From the top menu, tap Reach.

YouTube Android app

  1. Open the YouTube app .
  2. Tap your profile picture and then View channel.
  3. From the middle menu, tap Analytics  to view a brief summary of your channel performance.

Reach reports

How viewers find this video

The traffic source types report shows you how your viewers found your content within YouTube and external sources.

External sites or app

The external report shows you the specific external websites and apps where viewers found your content.

YouTube search terms

The YouTube search report shows you what terms viewers searched when they found your content.

Content suggesting this video

The suggested videos report shows you which videos viewers watched from suggestions.

Playlists featuring this video

The playlists report shows you which playlists lead to traffic on your content.

Understand types of traffic sources

Traffic to your videos can come from either within YouTube, or from external sources. You’ll see both on the “How viewers find this video” card.

Metrics to know


How many times your thumbnails were shown to viewers on YouTube through registered impressions.

Impressions click-through-rate

How often viewers watched a video after seeing a thumbnail.

Shown in feed The number of times your Short is shown in the Shorts feed.
Viewed (vs. swiped away) The percentage of times viewers viewed your Shorts versus swiped away.


The number of legitimate views for your channels or videos.

Unique viewers

Estimated number of viewers that watched your content within the selected date range.

Average view duration

Estimated average minutes watched per view for the selected video and date range.

Watch time (hours) The amount of time viewers have watched your video.

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