How advertiser-friendly monetisation reviews work

If your video gets 'limited monetisation' or a 'yellow icon', you can request a human review. When you request a review, a policy specialist will review your video and make a monetisation decision. This article explains what happens during a review.

What reviewers assess during a review

Our specialists review all content related to the video. They carefully watch and assess each piece of content, including the:

  • Video content
  • Title
  • Thumbnail
  • Description
  • Tags

How reviewers assess content

Our reviewers evaluate the video and related content as a whole. Each video's ad suitability depends on its context.

During their review, specialists use the advertiser-friendly guidelines paired with the following principles:

  • Context
  • Focus
  • Tone
  • Realism
  • Graphicness

The most important principle is context. What's the intention behind your video? Is it to inform and educate, or to shock and incite? For example, if it's to inform and educate, you should include context in your title, thumbnails, description and tags. This context helps reviewers make the right monetisation decision. Without context, reviewers may not assess your content accurately.

For example, there may be a video with some swear words in it that gets ads. At the same time, a different video with no swear words but with a sizable amount of violent content may not get ads.

What happens after a review

Once a review has been completed, you'll get an email with the monetisation decision. The reviewer's decision is final and the video's monetisation status will no longer change.

Why human reviews are important

Our systems are powered by learning technology and millions of manual reviews from appeals. Together, they help train and improve the system to make the right monetisation decisions for each video. The technology compares human reviewer decisions and automated decisions, and uses this info to improve the system's accuracy.

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