The take a break reminder lets you set a reminder to take a break while watching videos. The reminder will pause your video until you dismiss it or resume playing the video. This feature is available on versions 13.17+ of the YouTube app on mobile devices.
Note: For users aged 13–17 on YouTube, the take a break reminder is set to “On” by default. For users 18 or over, the default setting is “Off.” You can change this setting at any time.
Set your take a break reminder:
- Tap your profile picture
- Tap Settings
- Tap General.
- Next to Remind me to take a break, tap the switch to On
or Off
- If switching to “On," select your Reminder frequency and tap OK.
Tip: You can also set take a break reminders by tapping your profile picture 
Time Watched.
When you get a reminder, you can tap to keep watching a video. You can tap Change break reminder to edit the reminder frequency or turn the reminder on or off.
Keep in mind:
- If you close the app, sign out, switch devices, or pause a video for more than 30 minutes, the timer will reset.
- When watching offline videos or casting from your phone, the timer doesn't run.