Can’t see private videos

Private videos can only be seen by people who have been invited to view the video.

Here are some possible reasons why you or somebody you’ve shared the video with aren’t able to see a private video:

  • Viewers need to be signed in to YouTube when trying to view the video.
  • The viewer must be signed in to the account that the video was shared with (a viewer can have more than one account).
  • Since private videos don’t appear on a channel homepage, the person will need to use the specific link to the private video. YouTube will send them an email with the link once you’ve invited them, but you can also send it yourself.

Note: Private YouTube videos are not playable in Google Workspace for Education services, such as Classroom. To make private videos playable in Google Workspace for Education services, the video owner can update the privacy setting to unlisted, which will make the video accessible, but not searchable. For details, go to Change video privacy settings.

If a video cannot be played in Google Workspace for Education services and is available to the user, viewers might be offered a link to YouTube when they attempt to play the video.

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