Fix wrong video metadata on Facebook and Twitter

When you enter a YouTube URL on Facebook or Twitter, the video title, description or thumbnail might be wrong or out of date.

Update the title or description immediately


Other people can share your video on Facebook, and you may notice that the video has the incorrect title or description. Enter the video URL in the Facebook debug tool and this will immediately update the cached title and description.

If you have any other issues, consider reporting the issue to Facebook.


Other people can share your video on Twitter, and you may notice that the video has the incorrect title or description. Enter the video URL in the Twitter Card Validator and this will immediately update the cached title and description.

Avoid this issue

Make sure that your video is processed, public and the video metadata is set on YouTube before pasting the video link on another website or app. Pasting the link will add the video info at that moment into the cache. Even if the metadata is changed on YouTube, anybody who pastes that URL before the cache is updated will receive the old info.

Learn more

This issue occurs when a YouTube video is added to a post before the video has finished processing. It can also happen when the video is private. You may have also shared the post before updating your thumbnail or metadata.

Sometimes, even after the video has finished processing and is public, it may still have an outdated title, description or thumbnail. This issue will eventually fix itself once Facebook or Twitter updates its cache.

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