Moderators can help hold and manage comments users leave on videos or the messages participants send during your stream’s live chat. When creators add a moderator, they can choose whether they’re a standard moderator or a managing moderator. Managing moderators have more options available to them than standard moderators
Live chat
- Go to
- In the top-right corner, click Search
and enter the channel name to access the watch page.
- Select your Livestream to enter the Live Chat.
- Click Settings
next to the message or comment to select a moderation action. You can also hold down the Control + Alt keys to pause chat.
There are two types of moderators: a standard moderator and managing moderator. A standard moderator can:
- Go to channel: You can learn about a live chat participant before taking a moderation action by going directly to their channel.
- Remove: You can remove any inappropriate or potentially abusive or offensive content. When you delete a message, it’s permanently removed from the live chat with any replies.
- Hide user from this channel: When you hide someone from the channel, their chat messages and comments will no longer be visible to other viewers. YouTube doesn't tell the person that you've hidden them.
- Review potentially inappropriate messages: You can show or hide comments or messages that have been held based on your community settings.
A managing moderator can do the above, in addition to:
- Community default: You can turn on this feature to use technology to automatically detect spam, self-promotion, gibberish, and other potentially inappropriate content in comments. Learn more.
- Turn Live Chat on/off: You can turn Live chat on or off at any time, even after the event has started.
- Participation mode: You can change participation modes in live chat by choosing subscriber only, members only, or live commentary.
- Message delay: You can limit how often each user can send a chat message by setting a time limit between messages.
- Blocked words: You can block live chat messages that contain or closely match certain words.
- Manage standard moderators: You can add and remove approved users.
Access Channel Activity from live chat feed:
You and your moderators can access public user history from the live chat feed by clicking Channel Activity from the Menu. Learn more.
Live chat participants
In live chat, icons and colors are used to visually identify certain participants. More than 1 icon can appear next to someone’s username at a time.
Icon | Meaning |
Creator / channel owner | |
Creator with a verified account | |
Participant with a verified account | |
Channel member | |
Channel moderator |