Next, conduct a scan of all the data that you intend to migrate.
A scan is optional but highly recommended. A scan generates reports that aid in assessing the amount and type of source data and identifying issues with the data. It also helps Google Workspace Migrate assess the workload for the partitions during a bridge.
Later in the process, you’ll put the data into manageable phases and rescan each phase. For now, you scan the whole data set.
Step 1: Create a scan
- In the Google Workspace Migrate platform, click New
- Enter a name for the scan.
- Select your source connection.
- Under Scan scope, select Full scan.
- (Optional) Click More options to access advanced scan settings, then proceed to step 2 below.
- (Optional) To select the reports you want the scan to generate, check or uncheck the box next to the report under Report types.
By default, all reports are generated. For a description of each report and details on any additional information you need to specify, go to Understand scan reports.
- Click Create.
Step 2: (Optional) Advanced scan settings
- Under Crawl rules, select one of the following options:
- Domain discovery–Crawls content that the user owns and any shared drives that they can access.
- User Drive discovery–Crawls each user hierarchically, locating every object within their Google Drive folders. Move to step 5.
- Select the Crawl approach for the scan:
- All owned content—Discovers all objects owned by users within the domain.
- All content in My Drive—Discover all objects within each user's Drive folders on the domain, including files and folders owned by external users.
- Under Generator rules, choose an option:
- Scan Calendar Resources—Scans all calendar resources on the domain.
- Scan Groups—Scans all Groups on the domain.
Note: To generate correct object totals in the reports, one or both must be checked.
- Click Create.
Step 3: Run a scan
- In the Google Workspace Migrate platform, click Scans. You might have to click Menu
- On the scan you want to run, click Run
What happens next?
To balance the load, scans are partitioned into actions and distributed across the node servers. Scan partitions are automatically created when you generate a scan. After you click Run, the scan moves through these states:
- Queued—The scan is waiting to start.
- Generating partitions—The scan is creating the partitions, prior to beginning the scanning process.
- Running partitions—The scan is completing each of the partitions of scanning work.
- Completed—The scan is complete.
When the scan is running, you can see:
- Completions—The number of processed items
- Failures—The number of failures encountered
- Crawled—The number of items discovered, but not yet completed
Delete a scan
Scans provide useful information for bridges. Only delete a scan after you migrate all data.
To delete a scan:
- In the Google Workspace Migrate platform, click Scans. You might have to click Menu
- On the scan you want to delete, click More
Next step
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