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Navigate Work Insights

Be sure to take full advantage of Work Insights features and navigation options while viewing the charts.

Check last data update

See the most recent dates when the Work Insights categories were updated.

Point to the clock at the upper right of the page.


Filter data by team

View data for a specific organizational unit, manager's team, or group.

Find the team filter at the top right of the page.


Select a time range 

Select a time range that reflects the dates shown within the charts.

Find the time range menu at the top right of the page.


Pinpoint data

Move your pointer over a chart to view specific data.

Find more data by pointing to a graph.


Customize your view

Check or uncheck boxes in a chart's legend to view data for specific items.

Find checkboxes to show or hide data at the bottom of some charts.


View details

See more granular data to compare across different teams.

Find the View Details link at the bottom left on some charts.


Get help for a chart

See a summary and calculation for each Work Insights chart.

Point to Help at the top right of a chart.


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