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What is the Docs, Sheets, and Slides usage?

Understand the number of Google Workspace files—that is, documents, spreadsheets, and presentations—users have either edited or viewed per day in your organization. 

View the data

  1. From the Work Insights dashboard, on the left, click Work patterns.
  2. Find the chart titled “What is the Docs, Sheets, and Slides usage?”
  3. In team filter at the upper-right corner of the page, select a team. For details, see Filter Work Insights data by team.
  4. (Optional) In the time filter at upper-right corner of the page, select a different time range.
  5. (Optional) To pinpoint a date and its associated app data, move your pointer over either graph.

Tip: For more information on navigating charts, see Navigate Work Insights.

What the chart means

This chart shows the balance between how many files users edited and viewed. You can also determine which file types users edit or view more than others, and whether the differences correlate to specific job roles.

How the data is calculated

  • For combined Google Workspace productivity apps, the number of documents, spreadsheets, and presentations a user edits or views within one day is divided by the total number of users who use those apps.
  • For individual productivity apps, the number of documents, spreadsheets, or presentations a user edits or views within one day is divided by the total number of users who use those apps.

View details

To compare data across different teams and to establish a benchmark with organization-wide data, click View Details

Productivity app usage tab

The first chart shows the number of documents, spreadsheets, or presentations edited per user per day. For the productivity apps tab, “files” represent any one or combination of these Google Workspace apps.

The second chart shows the number of documents, spreadsheets, or presentations viewed per user per day. For the productivity apps tab, “files” represent any one or combination of these Google Workspace apps.

Other chart tabs

Use the data

Assessment Action

Identify teams with a low number of edits and a high number of views per user per day.

Investigate whether a low number of edited files reflects continued usage of third-party apps, or merely reflects the roles of those users.
Identify low user engagement with the Docs, Sheets, or Slides app. Consider sending a survey to uses to help you understand possible reasons.
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