Feb 26, 2020

"500 Internal Server Error" when searching via google search

When trying to search for a particular business or person who owns the business via google. I get a "500 internal server error" page. If i refresh, it will sometimes allow me to proceed to the site. I had it work mostly but as i keep investigating it keeps happening more and more.
I have others testing it, same result
I tried chrome, edge, Firefox, and brave browsers, same result
I contacted website hosting company and had them investigate, same result- told me to contact google
Cleared cache just in case, same result
The search is "alan fox boise"
First 2 results will mainly fail, i was able to get in a few times. 
Going to the website directly works without issue, its clicking on a link via google search that seems to be causing the error. 
I searched this forum and found something similar but replies branched off to something different.
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All Replies (2)
Feb 26, 2020
Hey how is it going Ray here so mostly when you hit this issue it's because of the website has issues and they need to fix it and you could text them directly to let them know that it's going on then you have to wait for them to fix it but you can also try this 
  1. Reload the web page. ...
  2. Clear your browser's cache. ...
  3. Delete your browser's cookies. ...
  4. Troubleshoot as a 504 Gateway Timeout error instead. ...
  5. Contacting the website directly is another option. ...
  6. Come back later. 
I hope that this works for you and im sorry i cant do  more if its still a problem i can continue looking for answers or contact them myself thank you and have a great day
Feb 26, 2020
Hello Sergio G
Welcome to the Google Search Community
Below i am posting some measures to solve this issue, But if the problem still persists then directly send feedback to Google.

The 500 Internal Server error could be caused by an error during the execution of any policy within Edge or by an error on the target/backend server. The HTTP status code 500 is a generic error response. It means that the server encountered an unexpected condition that prevented it from fulfilling the request.

  1. Reload the web page.
  2. Clear your browser's cache.
  3. Delete your browser's cookies.
  4. Troubleshoot the browser Gateway Timeout error instead.
  5. Contacting the website directly is another option.
But here i see that you have taken all the measures but i am posting this again in case you have missed something. Now you should directly send Feedback to Google regarding this issue as many people are facing this problem. When majority of people will send feedback then Google will fix this issue.
Follow this link to send Feedback- 
Help improve Google’s products
Last edited Feb 26, 2020
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