I'm a college student and don't want to use AI for anything at all, I don't want to risk being outed for plagiarism or misinformation. Found out this morning that AI Overviews is somehow enabled, and I can't find anywhere on how to turn this off? I'm not apart of any Google AI programs, I do not wish to participate. For reference, this is what it looks like
That method did not work, however, the AI overview seems to be gone. It's not appearing in my searches anymore but I still don't know why it was in the first place
The team at Google confirmed that some people may see AI overviews in Search for a subset of queries in the US and UK, through an experiment they’re running that extends beyond users who’ve opted into Search Generative Experience (SGE) in Search Labs. As part of this test, AI overviews can’t be turned off. For more details, see this article from Search Engine Land.