Zahtevana stran za zdaj ni na voljo v vašem jeziku. Na dnu strani lahko izberete drug jezik ali takoj prevedete katero koli spletno stran v jezik po izbiri z vgrajeno funkcijo prevajanja Google Chroma.

Participate in Discussions on Google Search

When you search on Google, you can leave comments on search results and read comments left by others. Discussions on Google Search only works for sports games, TV shows, and movies in certain languages and regions.

Tip: Before you post a comment, learn more about the Community Guidelines for user generated content on Search. Comments that don’t follow these guidelines are removed.

Leave a comment

Your comments are public, and anyone can read what you write. Your comments include your name from your Profile page. You can’t add an anonymous comment.

  1. Go to or open the Google app Google Search.
  2. Search for a sports game, TV show, or movie.
    • For example, try to search for Inter Miami vs LA Galaxy or Everything Everywhere All at Once.
  3. Scroll to see discussions with comments from others.
  4. Enter your comment.
  5. Tap or click Send.

Delete a comment

  1. Go to or open the Google app Google Search.
  2. Search for the sports game, TV show, or movie you commented on.
  3. By your comment, tap or click More More.
  4. Tap or click Delete comment and then Delete in the dialog to confirm.

Tip: You can also delete your comments on your MyActivity page.

Report a comment

  1. To report a comment to Google, tap or click More More and then Report.

Comments creation eligibility

You may be ineligible to create comments if your account has been restricted due to previous violations of Community Guidelines for user generated content on Search. Users who are underage or with accounts outside of the US or Canada aren't eligible to create comments at this time. Additionally, if you are using an enterprise Google account or are signed out, you will need to switch to a personal account.

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