Il-paġna li tlabt bħalissa mhux disponnibbli fil-lingwa tiegħek. Tista’ tagħżel lingwa differenti fil-qiegħ tal-paġna jew tittraduċi mill-ewwel kull paġna tal-web f’lingwa li trid, u dan billi tuża l-karatteristika tat-traduzzjoni inkorporata tal-Google Chrome..

Manage your preferences for web pages in the Google app

When you search the web with the Google app, you can open web pages within the app or using an external browser. When you open web pages in the app, you can:

  • Open search result links faster by staying in the app.
  • Copy a link, share a link, or reopen a link in a browser.

Open a web page in the Google app

  1. On your Android phone or tablet, open the Google app Google Search.
  2. Do a search.
  3. Tap a search result link.
    • A web page will open inside the Google app.

Decide whether to open web pages in the app

  1. On your Android phone or tablet, open the Google app Google Search.
  2. At the top right, tap your Profile picture or Initial and then Settings and then General.
  3. Turn Open web pages in the app on or off.

Share, copy, save, or open in a browser

When you open a web page in the Google app, you can take actions with that link. For example, you can:

  • Share a link: Tap Share Share. Then, choose an app, like Gmail or Messages.
  • Copy a link: Tap More More and then Copy link. Then, paste the link wherever you'd like.
  • Open a link in your browser: Tap More More and then Open in browser or Open in Chrome.
  • Save a page: To save a page, tap Save Add to. Learn how to find your saved items.

Learn about the domain is a Google domain. It makes it easier for you to share links with your contacts across apps and operating systems.

Send a shortlink is used to shorten links generated from the Google app. Links sent from the Google app are automatically shortened and begin with ''

Click a domain

When you click a shortlink, you will be redirected to open it in the Google app.

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