
Users can now migrate Google Podcasts subscriptions to YouTube Music or to another app that supports OPML import. Learn more here

요청한 페이지는 현재 사용 중인 언어로 제공되지 않습니다. 페이지 하단에서 다른 언어를 선택하거나 Chrome에서 기본 제공되는 번역 기능을 사용해 웹페이지를 원하는 언어로 바로 번역할 수 있습니다.

Follow a topic on Search & Discover

Important: This feature is currently available only in the US.

Follow a search topic to stay updated on the topics, people, or places you care about. When you follow a topic, you can find updates as personalized results in Search and Discover, and also receive notifications.

Follow a search topic

To follow a search topic, on your search result page or Discover, tap Follow. Here are different ways to follow a search topic.

Follow from a search result page

  1. On your Android phone or tablet, open the Google app Google Search.
  2. Enter a search topic.
    • You can enter broad topics such as famous people or places.
  3. If the option to follow is available, tap Follow.

Tip: You can also follow a search topic by scrolling to the end of search results and tapping Follow this search.

Follow from Discover

  1. On your Android phone or tablet, open the Google app Google Search.
  2. On Discover, you might find some recommended content or search topics under “Follow interesting searches” with the Follow button.
  3. If the option to follow is available, tap Follow.

Turn off notifications for a search topic

By following a search topic, you become eligible to receive notifications about that topic when they are available. If you don’t want to get notifications on a topic, you can turn it off.

  1. On your Android phone or tablet, open the Google app Google Search.
  2. At the bottom, tap Saved .
  3. Go to the “Followed” tab.
  4. On the search topic you no longer want to receive notifications for, tap .

Tip: To turn notifications back on, tap .

Unfollow a search topic

If you no longer want to follow a search topic, or get personalized results or recommendations related to it, you can unfollow that search topic.

Unfollow from Settings

  1. On your Android phone or tablet, open the Google app Google Search.
  2. At the top right, tap your Profile picture or Initial and then Settings.
  3. Tap Personalization and then Manage your interests and then Following.
  4. On a topic you want to unfollow, tap Following. This changes its status to “No longer following.”

Tip: If you still want to follow the topic but don’t want to get notifications, tap .

Unfollow from Discover

  1. On your Android phone or tablet, open the Google app Google Search.
  2. On Discover, scroll to a card or result and tap More More menu options.
  3. Tap Manage your interests and then Following.
  4. On a topic you are currently following, tap Following. The status will change to “No longer following.”

Tip: If you want to continue following the topic but only stop receiving notifications, tap .

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