Important: This feature is currently available only in the US.
Follow a search topic to stay updated on the topics, people, or places you care about. When you follow a topic, you can find updates as personalized results in Search and Discover, and also receive notifications.
Follow a search topic
To follow a search topic, on your search result page or Discover, tap Follow. Here are different ways to follow a search topic.
Follow from a search result page
- On your iPhone or iPad, open the Google app
- Enter a search topic.
- You can enter broad topics such as famous people or places.
- If the option to follow is available, tap Follow.
- You can also follow a search topic by scrolling to the end of search results and tapping Follow this search.
Follow from Discover
- On your iPhone or iPad, open the Google app
- On Discover, you might find some recommended content or search topics under “Follow interesting searches” with the Follow button.
- If the option to follow is available, tap Follow.
Turn off notifications for a search topic
By following a search topic, you become eligible to receive notifications about that topic when they are available. If you don’t want to get notifications on a topic, you can turn it off.
- On your iPhone or iPad, open the Google app
- At the bottom, tap Tabs
- Go to the “Followed” tab.
- On the search topic you no longer want to receive notifications for, tap
Tip: To turn notifications back on, tap .
Unfollow a search topic
If you no longer want to follow a search topic, or get personalized results or recommendations related to it, you can unfollow that search topic.
Unfollow from Settings
- On your iPhone or iPad, open the Google app
- At the top right, tap your Profile picture or Initial
- Tap Manage your interests
- On a topic you want to unfollow, tap Following. This changes its status to “No longer following.”
Tip: If you still want to follow the topic but don’t want to get notifications, tap .
Unfollow from Discover
- On your iPhone or iPad, open the Google app
- On Discover, scroll to a card or result and tap More
- Tap Manage your interests
- On a topic you are currently following, tap Following. The status will change to “No longer following.”
Tip: If you want to continue following the topic but only stop receiving notifications, tap .