Narrow your search results with filters

You can narrow and customize your search results to find exactly what you want. For example, you can find sites updated within the last 24 hours or photos with license information.

Tip: When you use filters, your Search settings don’t change. To delete past searches or change settings like SafeSearch, results per page, or languages, go to Search settings.

Add or remove filters

Tip: The Search tools you find are based on your search, type of results, and browser. You won’t always find every option.

  1. On your Android phone or tablet, open your mobile browser, like Chrome Chrome or the Google app .
  2. Do a search on
  3. Below the search box, choose the type of results you want, like AllImages, or News.
  4. Based on your mobile browser, follow one of these steps:

Ways to filter your search results

Type of result

You can narrow your results to one content type, like images, videos, or news. Next to the search box, choose your results.

For example, to get:

  • Pictures: Choose Images.
  • Search results to help you make a purchase: Choose Shopping.

Search tools

After you choose the type of results you want, you can narrow your results further with Search tools. These tools can include location, color, size, or the date a page was published.

Search operators

You can also narrow your search when you add search operators, which are words or symbols you can add to your query. Learn how to refine web searches.

Types of search tools

Important: Some Search tools are only available in some languages or when you're signed in to your Google Account.

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