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Customize recommendations on your tablet

Get convenient movie and TV show recommendations when you swipe to the Discover feed on your tablet. With App recommendations, you don’t need to browse through multiple apps to figure out what to watch. You can choose which subscription apps to include and then browse personalized content recommendations from the Discover feed on your tablet.

Choose apps to get recommendations for

To add apps to your recommendations list:

  1. On your tablet, at the top of the home screen, tap your profile picture.
  2. Tap Settings .
  3. Tap Personalization.
  4. Tap App recommendations.
  5. Choose which streaming apps you want recommendations for:
    • To turn on recommendations from an app, select it from the list.
    • To turn off recommendations from an app, deselect it from the list.

Watch recommended content

You’ll get recommendations for the streaming services you've chosen, regardless of your subscription status.

To watch content from a streaming app, you must:

  1. Install the streaming app on your tablet.
  2. Have an active service subscription.
  3. Sign in to your streaming account.

How personalized video recommendations work

Recommendations provided by Google may be based on:

  • Which video streaming apps you’ve installed or selected in your Settings
  • Your entertainment-related searches on Google Search and Google Assistant
  • Web & App Activity associated with your Google Account

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