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Try experiments in Search Labs

Search Labs is a program for people to experiment with early-stage Google Search experiences and share feedback. If you’re eligible and interested in Search Labs, you can access it through the Labs icon . There you can learn about the experiments that are available.

Labs experiments, including AI-powered experiences, are in development, and their quality and availability may vary. You can leave feedback to help us improve the overall experience.

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What you need

  • An Android phone or tablet.
  • Latest version of the Google app , Chrome Chrome, Firefox Firefox, or Opera .
  • Be 13 or over. If you’re under 18, Search Labs and select experiments are available in the US and in English only.
  • A personal Google Account that you manage on your own. For now, Search Labs and its experiments are not available to Google Workspace accounts, including Google Workspace for Education accounts.

Learn about the languages and countries where Search Labs is available.

Manage experiments in Search Labs

Give feedback on experiments & Search Labs

How experiments work

Experiments may change how Google Search appears. For example, you might get an AI Overview at the top of search results. Also, you might get different design layouts than you’re used to.

Tip: Experiment availability varies. Learn more about the experiments.


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