Pieprasītā lapa pašlaik nav pieejama jūsu valodā. Varat lapas apakšdaļā atlasīt citu valodu vai nekavējoties tulkot jebkuru tīmekļa lapu jūsu izvēlētā valodā, izmantojot pārlūkā Google Chrome iebūvēto tulkošanas funkciju.

Add widgets to your Home screen on your Google app

In Discover, you can add widgets like weather, stock prices, and prayer times to display above the rest of your Discover content. The Weather widget is already on your Home screen by default. It's easy to customize the widgets you have, but you can’t remove all widgets.

What you need

On your mobile device, be sure:

  • You signed in to your Google Account in the Google app.
  • Discover is on.
  • Web & App Activity is on.

Add or remove a widget

  1. On your mobile device, open the Google app Google app.
  2. On the Weather widget, swipe left.
  3. Tap Customize Edit.
  4. Choose which widgets you want on your Home screen.

Fix missing widgets

If you don’t find widgets above your Discover content on your Google app:
Step 1. Check that you’re signed in to the Google Account
  1. On your mobile device, open your Google app Google app.
  2. At the top right, tap your Profile picture or initial.
  3. Tap the account you want to sign in to. If you can't find the account, tap Add account and follow the instructions.
Step 2. Make sure Web & App Activity is turned on
  1. On your mobile device, go to Activity controls.
  2. If asked, sign in to your Google Account.
  3. Turn on Web & App Activity.
Step 3. Make sure Discover is turned on
  1. On your mobile device, open your Google app Google app.
  2. At the top right, tap your Profile picture or initial and then Settings and then General.
  3. Turn on Discover.

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