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GSC - URL inspection: Invalid item I have been adding recipe cards to my website using Recipe Generator, which requires me to copy html…
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Site Name Incorrectly Shown as Site URL I'm working on a website for a business (Using wordpress), trying to fix their SEO, but no matter th…
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Lost Product Snippets Our website's product pages, which previously had 19,000 valid items for product snippets according …
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Unparsable structured data  Parsing error: Missing ',' or '}' Hello, search console has dectect an error with this section of my product page (Palm 3D Canoe Float… Discrepancy Between Google Search Console and Rich Results Test Tool Hello Google Community, I'm experiencing an inconsistency between Google Search Console and the Rich…
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Image displayed on Google's Search results page is not a picture on the actual site Hi there, I am facing an issue where the image that Google has decided to display on the Search Resu…
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Google Search Engine Not Showing Review Stars In the past five years, Google has consistently displayed review stars for my website in search resu…
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Either "offers", "Review", or "ahhregateRating" should be specified how to fix I followed Search Central's instructions but it still doesn't appear and the warning appears in Goog…
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How to fix Structured data with syntax errors detected? GSC threw this error: Parsing error: Missing '} or object member name on one of our blog pages: http…
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HELP with Schema - Correct Schema for an audio technology product review website I have an audio technology product review website, hosted with blogger, and I'm looking to add the c…
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Any benefit to using product schema if wholesale b2b product doesn't have public pricing? I am working on a wholesale B2B eCommerce website that doesn't have public product pricing. Users mu…
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Can't change our site name We have a website with different language versions for different countries that are shown to users u… Want to download or copy the rich snippet tool results so I can work on my issues offline and retest I uploaded my html into the rich snippet tool and have 4 detected issues I need to deal with. Unfort…
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google rich results test is not validating even after crawling Hey I checked my schema using extension for seo and also with google validator , they is showing it … Rich Results Test finds no items, Markup Validator finds all items What I'm struggling with here is the Schema Markup Validator finds all of my structured data. While … Wrong image displaying from our website Hi there, I'm a bit perplexed on this one. The wrong image is showing up when you search our company…
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