14. Apr. 2020
Health Site Suffers 75% Drop in Organic Click and Impressions
My theory is that Google has been trying so hard to keep unreliable sources of COVID-19 information out of their search results that their efforts are adversely impacting other issues. The most obvious impact of this is on my brand name "STD Carriers" for which my home page has fallen from number one to number seven. Results now list some boilerplate CDC article about STDs as the first result even though it never mentions "STD Carriers" specifically. That result is now followed by two similar boilerplate articles on WebMD about STDs.
Now, some people might argue that even though most people searching for "STD Carriers" are searching for my brand specifically, that the CDC and WebMd are more reliable sources of information about STDs in general, so that should not be surprising. That might make sense if the majority of searchers looking for "STD Carriers" were not looking for my website, those articles at least mentioned "STD Carriers," and the next batch of results were not outranking my home page.
The fourth spot features a 12 year old article on Digital Journal that features an independent editorially placed do-follow link to my home page. The fifth and sixth results are two press releases about my website hosted on the same press release website about seven years apart. Of course they both link to my home page.
Speaking of links, I am not aware of any links containing the anchor text "STD Carriers" or "STDCarriers" that point to the CDC or WebMd anywhere on the web. The vast majority point to my website. So, how is it that my home page is suddenly ranking below all these pages for itself?
Even a search for "STD Carriers" in quotes returns the Digital Journal article before my home page. This is quite puzzling since obviously my home page is a more relevant result for that query than an article about the website linking to it.
The home page is of course https://stdcarriers.com
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