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14. Apr. 2020

Health Site Suffers 75% Drop in Organic Click and Impressions

I have a website about STDs that has suffered about a 75% drop in impressions and clicks every day since April 10th. I can't figure out why this is. I have other websites, but this one is the only one suffering a problem like this , so it probably is not a design or content issue.

My theory is that Google has been trying so hard to keep unreliable sources of COVID-19 information out of their search results that their efforts are adversely impacting other issues. The most obvious impact of this is on my brand name "STD Carriers" for which my home page has fallen from number one to number seven. Results now list some boilerplate CDC article about STDs as the first result even though it never mentions "STD Carriers" specifically. That result is now followed by two similar boilerplate articles on WebMD about STDs. 

Now, some people might argue that even though most people searching for "STD Carriers" are searching for my brand specifically, that the CDC and WebMd are more reliable sources of information about STDs in general, so that should not be surprising. That might make sense if the majority of searchers looking for "STD Carriers" were not looking for my website, those articles at least mentioned "STD Carriers," and the next batch of results were not outranking my home page.

The fourth spot features a 12 year old article on Digital Journal that features an independent editorially placed do-follow link to my home page. The fifth and sixth results are two press releases about my website hosted on the same press release website about seven years apart. Of course they both link to my home page.

Speaking of links, I am not aware of any links containing the anchor text "STD Carriers" or "STDCarriers" that point to the CDC or WebMd anywhere on the web. The vast majority point to my website. So, how is it that my home page is suddenly ranking below all these pages for itself?

Even a search for "STD Carriers" in quotes returns the Digital Journal article before my home page. This is quite puzzling since obviously my home page is a more relevant result for that query than an article about the website linking to it. 

The home page is of course https://stdcarriers.com
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15. Apr. 2020
Another query that was a problem before this was "STD Registry." Even though I operate the only online STD Registry, that query shows a bunch of government websites and no registries. Some of them do talk about registries and reporting related to STDs, but the rest are all just generic information about STDs. How is it that anyone at Google would conclude that someone looking for "STD Registry" is in fact looking for generic information about STDs from the government?

Pages from SERPs about the only online STD Registry are mostly articles about my site that link to or at least mention it, so my site should outrank those in SERPs. It is that simple. Furthermore, if I suffered a manual penalty then Google should tell me about it. So far it says nothing and I can think of no reason for a manual action.

I understand Google not wanting to display unreliable information in SERPs for health information and therefore white listing sites for that type of info, but I am not trying to rank for information about diseases or how to treat them. There is no justification on Google's part for giving government websites so much authority that their generic vaguely relevant information outranks unique results for specific queries directly relevant to those results because the end result is a direct violation of Google's purpose. To provide users with content most like what they are looking for. Google's purpose is not to provide users with whatever content the government has that best resembles what they are looking for followed by what they are really looking for.

Again, the only queries effected have to do with STDs either by including the acronym STD(s) or specific diseases along with some other unique identifier that separates such queries from generic information about STDs. Results for such queries should return government results at the top only if the content on the government websites is what the user is looking for.
Zuletzt bearbeitet: 15. Apr. 2020
15. Apr. 2020
1. What does WOT have to do with it? Anyone can post a negative review on WOT.

2. The content on the home page is not user hidden. Those are noscript fallbacks for images loaded via lazysizes. Users can see all those images. The noscript fallbacks are for cases in which the visitor does not have javascript enabled. Users like Google Bot for instance may have trouble seeing what the user sees without those tags.

3. Most organizations are unidentified if you follow the bread crumbs far enough.

4. I am not asking anyone to trust the content for issues relating to their money or their life. I am simply asking people to trust that the content is the best match for the queries I have specified. Since it is the only website named "STD Carriers," features the only online "STD Registry," and most of the web cites it as the most relevant place on the internet for both terms, it is the best result for those searches.

I am not giving medical or financial advice. I don't expect to rank for queries about just STDs by themselves or how to treat them. I do however expect to rank for my brand, which is over 10 years old and still unique. When a brand has ranked for itself for that long there really is no good argument against preserving the status quo.
Zuletzt bearbeitet: 15. Apr. 2020
16. Apr. 2020
Also, I don't see any results from WOT relevant to the site in Google, so I doubt that has anything to do with it at all.
Hi, STDCarriers.com
Non-Mobile Links
One of the main issues is the "Accountability and transparency" violation (Low E-A-T)
Google should consider who is responsible for the content of the website or the content of the page. Does the person or organization has sufficient expertise in the topic? Who is this person?
If expertise, authoritativeness, or trustworthiness is lacking, the algorithm uses the Low rating to your site.
16. Apr. 2020
Viacheslav Varenia thanks for the response and the SSL thing. Did you mean to say that the links you gave are not mobile friendly?

The my account page is always hidden because you must be logged in to view it and i tested the others. They all look just fine on a mobile device.
16. Apr. 2020
How does a bot consider who is responsible for the content? 

How does that explain the sudden drop? What about the content was fine last week and not this week?
16. Apr. 2020
I'm not sure what improvements can be made as far as SSL goes. IIS does not support TLS 1.3 https://www.ssltrust.com/help/setup-guides/complete-guide-to-tls-1-3
16. Apr. 2020
The EAT issue might explain why the CDC owns the top spot for the brand name and ranks well for STD Registry, but it does not explain how articles linking to the domain outrank it for its own name. If those pages are of high enough quality to rank that high for that term than surely the site they are talking about and link to should outrank those articles for the same term.
17. Apr. 2020
I think the problem as far as EAT goes it that Google is extending the YMYL category to include non-YMYL content just for being related. I never expected to rank for medical facts about medical conditions beyond perhaps common knowledge that requires no expertise (ex: "people with stds" and not "symptoms of stds").

For instance, I would not consider "Celebrities with Herpes" to be a YMYL search even though I would consider "Herpes" to be a YMYL search. That is the query that has seen the biggest drop and if people actually were to compare my list of Celebrities with Herpes to the top results you would see that mine is the best because I only cite reliable sources, so my page should not be penalized as if it were trying to give unqualified medical advice. 

Most results for that query just guess which celebs have it based on rumors, which is why they have giant lists of celebs with that condition, but if you actually look for verified sources the list is quite small, hence mine only having 17 names. On top of that I have unique images and articles with streaming videos, so the content is good. It is not appropriate to use this EAT criteria as a means of preventing Google from actually reviewing the quality of the content. It seems like Google is saying that they won't review the quality of content if they make a negative determination based on EAT. So, if your EAT is low then you are not capable of creating quality content, that makes no rational sense when you really think about it.

As far as the "STD Registry" search goes there is no public government one, so it would make sense to show the only online STD Registry at or near the top for that query regardless of EAT because it is the only one of its kind. Instead I mostly see articles about my site hosted elsewhere or government information about STD reporting, but no actual registry.

My concern is that Google has falsely categorized celebrity results for famous people with conditions as YMYL even though almost every result is either news or gossip.
17. Apr. 2020
I think I found the problem, I had a jQuery plugin that parsed URLs into links. I thought that because it was doing this using a client side script and would not result in links being added to the source code that Google would not treat these as links. Then I found out that another site of mine showed some of these links in its links profile in Search Console.

I think someone probably posted some bad links and that is what was hurting it. Now it is no longer possible for users to post links, so that should solve the problem. 

I also added an About page that I hope will help with the EAT issue https://stdcarriers.com/about/ since I nowhere claim to be a medical expert or to offer medical advice. I do however have a good track record providing people with services to exercise their first amendment rights.

I also improved my SSL setting.
7. Mai 2020
Google just announced it is rolling out its May core update this week. Would that explain why my site made a partial recovery over the weekend only to be hit worse yesterday?

On Monday I had the top spot for my brand back https://lmgtfy.com/?q=std+carriers and was doing well for https://lmgtfy.com/?q=celebrities+with+stds, but today I am doing worse for my brand than I was when I wrote this original post.

It seems like SERPs I am looking at are almost a random sampling from the top 10-20 results from the web. Looking at the results from time to time makes me wonder if Google knows what they are doing because it is not like just my website noticed a change. It seems like today's number one will be tomorrow's number fifteen only to find itself in the top 10 at the end of the week, regain its number one slot a over the weekend, and repeat.

If you look at the results for my brand you will find them packed full of pages about the brand most of which link to it and all of them mention it, so I find it hard to understand how Google can suddenly change their algorithm to rank a site below a bunch of pages talking about it for its own name.

Like before, the STD queries are the only ones that seem to be seeing this problem in my network. I have other sites that are doing better on Google than they were when this problem started, but they are not about STDs. The queries most effected are STD Carriers, STD Registry, and Celebrities with Herpes. I arguably provide the most relevant results for all those queries, so it does not make sense for the site to be going up and down like this along with the rest of the results. 

The top result for https://lmgtfy.com/?q=std+registry is now https://www.ptcommunity.com/wire/std-registry-gets-mobile-makeover-just-time-valentines-day which is clearly about my site as it contains the URL. The links are all robots.txt blocked redirects, but the point is that most of the top 10 are about or directly linking to my site. This is very weird.
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