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9 abr 2019

Is HTTP/2 on the roadmap for Googlebot?

This page is served with a server that only uses HTTP/2: https://rwserve.readwritetools.com/  HTTP/1.1 is not supported.

I know that Googlebot cannot handle HTTP/2 sites right now, since I can confirm that using curl. On the other hand, the Fetch API does properly reach the site. I'm guessing that Googlebot uses a proprietary HTTPS client to do its work, one that does not handle ALPN per  RFC 7301 specification 

Is HTTP/2 on the roadmap for Googlebot?
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Última modificación el 24 jul 2019
Respuesta recomendada
10 abr 2019

i'm one of co-authors of that article. And that article is still actual.

Situation today is that if you need to be crawled you need to support HTTP/1.1

This question has been asked many times about timeframe, but no answer yet.

Última modificación el 24 jul 2019
El usuario que ha publicado la pregunta Joe Honton ha marcado esto como respuesta
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9 abr 2019
yes it is. For now you can use SPDY (pre-HTTP/2) with support of NPN (no RFC) that is supported from Chrome41.
One day Chrome41 will be updated and suddenly you can get HTTP/2 and ALPN. But no timeframe when this happen yet.
10 abr 2019
I wonder if someone from Google would care to elaborate?

This post,  from October of 2017,  says that it has been in the works since 2015:  https://moz.com/blog/challenging-googlebot-experiment "Does Googlebot Support HTTP/2?"
"At the moment, Google doesn’t support HTTP/2-only crawling (...) We are working on that, I suspect it will be ready by the end of this year (2015) or early next year (2016) (...) 

I deploy HTTP/2-only sites using https://rwserve.readwritetools.com/ that works beautifully in all browsers and many crawlers, but sadly not Googlebot. I'd like to tell my customers a more definite answer than "someday".
Respuesta recomendada
10 abr 2019

i'm one of co-authors of that article. And that article is still actual.

Situation today is that if you need to be crawled you need to support HTTP/1.1

This question has been asked many times about timeframe, but no answer yet.

Última modificación el 24 jul 2019
El usuario que ha publicado la pregunta Joe Honton ha marcado esto como respuesta
2 ago 2019
How do we enable http 2  &  HTTP/1.1 at the same time? My server won't show HTTP/1.1. I am getting lots of search console errors:

"Page fetch Failed: Crawl anomaly"
2 ago 2019
me as well...
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