Puslapis, dėl kurio pateikėte užklausą, šiuo metu nepasiekiamas jūsų kalba. Bet kurį tinklalapį galite tiesiogiai išversti į pageidaujamą kalbą naudodami „Google Chrome“ įtaisytą vertimo funkciją.

What would happen if I cancel the "Change of address" after 1 month?


I triggered the "Change of address" two times. Once 7 months ago and once again 1 month ago. I did it because the traffic didn't recovered and I thought triggering another "Change of address" will improve something. Well it didn't. Ranking got actually worse. Maybe this has caused the drop or shouldn't have any impact anything at all? 

Should I cancel the 2nd request? Since I triggered the crawling rate didn't improved. In the new property in GSC in Settings appears 3 movies sits:
olddomain.con (from the 2nd request)
old.domain.com (from the 1st request)

I really need help on this. Thank you!
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Paskutinį kartą redaguota 2023-01-25
Visi atsakymai
Hi Brian

The key thing that effects this isn't what you've done in GSC, it's what you've done in terms of redirection (301s) on the site(s) themselves.

Don't forget no one has to have GSC and it's primary purpose is simply to report information to you from the sites.  The grunt work of any site move is done via crawling.  That's the primary reason Google checks if the 301s exist and are correct (as part of you telling it there is a move).

When you do a site move, you are essentially, certainly initially, starting from ground zero.  

Google won't take your word that the content has just moved, it'll check and re-index everything (once it follows the appropriate 301).  If you think about it logically, it has to do that, otherwise you could have a site about 'fluffy dogs' and 301 it (after it was ranking well) to hardcore porn.  This can and pretty much will mean that stuff it was just scanning quickly and was to all intents happy with previously, gets a much more detailed appraisal. 

During the process you'll very likely get extreme instability.  Checking the content is a multi-pass, multi server process (it's not just one bot doing everything).  As such you'll see pages indexed at both locations together (or not at all) with large variance in ranking etc,  all as different parts of the algorithm are assessed and re-applied.  

It typically takes 6 months minimum to settle and it's certainly not a process for the fainthearted. The more you play around with the process, the longer Google will take to figure out what is what.

Finally, if you don't leave the 301s in place for the long-term, you'll also lose any 3rd party links that went to the old site(s) too of course.  Nothing is moved without the 301s.

Paskutinį kartą redaguota 2023-01-25

My question was if I should cancel the 2nd request or leave it as it is.

I check the server logs every day, nothing is wrong.
Every redirect is working and done perfectly. 

Here's the GSC data maybe it says something to you:

I don't think anyone is going to be able to definitively answer your question sadly.

As I alluded to above, even one move is hugely disruptive, doing what you've done then adds another level of complication and cancelling would then be a third different scenario again.

From the moment the bot discovered the first 301, it'll have started updating the index. Cancelling the move doesn't undo that.   
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