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2022년 11월 21일

Introducing our new guide to Google Search ranking systems

Over the years, through blog posts and other public communications, Google has regularly shared information about our automated ranking systems and how they operate. Now we've created a centralized page called A guide to Google Search ranking systems to make it easier for creators and others to learn about our more notable systems. This new page will also help us as we communicate how our systems work and when we update those systems. Learn more in our blog post today.
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모든 답변(3개)
2022년 11월 21일
There was a question on Twitter that I'd thought I'd answer here, for ease of anyone trying to understand. It was from Lily Ray and asked:

"Is it possible to get clarification about how the different ranking systems play into the core update system (or not)"

As the page explains, it covers:

"some systems that are part of our core ranking systems, which are the underlying technologies that produce search results in response to queries"

So in terms of the "core update system," it's not that we have such a thing. We have core ranking systems, multiple systems, which get help us produce results generally. Occasionally, we update these ranking systems. When we do, we share about that as a core update -- the core systems are updated. Our blog post today talks about also why we're going to be talking about "systems" apart from "updates" to help better clarify such things.
Valuable information

Thank you very much
2022년 11월 22일
Thanks for your explanations, Danny.
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