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May 2022 core update

Today, we're releasing a core update, as we do several times per year. It's called the May 2022 core update. As a reminder, nothing in a core update is site-specific. Those who seek to perform well with Google Search generally, including with core updates, should look to our previous guidance on what site owners should know about core updates.

If you have any feedback about the May 2022 core update, you can comment on this forum thread.

Update June 9, 2022: The May 2022 core update rollout is now complete.
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Ultima modifica: 9 giu 2022
Tutte le risposte (222)
25 mag 2022
Thanks,  John.

18 lug 2022
Is there more rollbacks or updates from G? coz two of my sites are constantly up or down. If one loses a load of its ranked kws another site gaines loads and vice versa - its been like this every week since the big core - what is going on at Google? i cant deal with such inconsistencies 
19 lug 2022
What is this core update about? Websites with high domain authority (built through paid backlinks mostly) are simply copy pasting or spinning the content of smaller websites on their platform and being placed higher in the rankings. This is happening even when these high DA websites have no topical authority on the niche(in fact nothing to do with the niche they are creating content about now, since it doesn't seem to be matter anymore)
Whatever happened to uniqueness test? It would make sense where the content is deserving to be placed above, but the algorithm seems to just blindly give importance to the domain authority first ignoring every thing else. It seems all bloggers who followed Google's advise of not paying attention to backlinks and focus on creating great content have been wiped out and been made to pay the price with interest. 
@User 9679999811523673338

"Websites with high domain authority"
"This is happening even when these high DA websites "

DA (Domain Authority) is a third party metric that does not measure how Gogle evaluates, Google doesn't use it, it is not related in any way to that third party measure

Some references that you can explore (2019) (2020)

and there are more older references, and currently, surely, but maybe that helps to take a reference about this 

"but the algorithm seems to just blindly give importance to the domain authority"

Ultima modifica: 19 lug 2022
19 lug 2022
Thanks,  John.

21 lug 2022
Hemos perdido toda la posicion que mantuvimos durante 17 años y ahora los resultados son obsoletos,  esto esta muy mal deberian regresar a como estaba al menos habia resultados que eran utiles a las personas. 

" esto esta muy mal deberian regresar a como estaba al menos habia resultados que eran utiles a las personas. "
Si consideras que una búsqueda no está entregando resultados relevantes y relacionados con la intención de la búsqueda, puedes utilizar el enlace en el footer [Enviar comentarios], de esta forma, el equipo de Calidad de Búsqueda de Google lo revisará

no obstante, debes tener en cuenta algo sobre lo anterior mencionado y respecto de esto que mencionas:
"Hemos perdido toda la posición que mantuvimos durante 17 años"

Dicho formulario para enviar feedback sobre los resultados de búsqueda, no tendrá sentido (ni efecto) si lo tratas de utilizar en razón de reclamar sobre los resultados de tu propio sitio o bien, de competidores, puesto que esa no es la funcionalidad del formulario.
Ultima modifica: 21 lug 2022
22 lug 2022
After this May update, I feel that website that is ranked Top 1 is a website that clearly has no expertise in the field of niche markets. For example, a website selling consumer goods, selling confectionery, selling toys, ... but they have a post about forex, they are at top of the google search results.
Indeed, for those with expertise in reading that content will know that content writer clearly has no forex expertise. The person who wrote that content may have taken the content somewhere to edit it or used google translate, but writer does not understand anything, because it is not simply that he does not have expertise and knowledge in that field.
This is my suggestion, thank you for listening
25 lug 2022
To me on the contrary my music page, Partiruras de Piano Online, which I was devoting much love and dedication even had opened a youtube channel so that they could benefit from this site and its valuable content. This new update has sunk it and relegated it to the most absolute ostracism without knowing the reason, a little clarification of this movement of the core would help us to know such a disaster, thank you Juan.
25 lug 2022
@juan That's certainly dramatic. I think we need to dig more deeply. How old is your website? How much duplication is there with the YouTube channel? It's possible you would have seen this impact even without Google's update if something else (such as something technical) is wrong. May I recommend opening a new thread for more analysis and help? 
26 lug 2022
Concluiram a atualização, mas ainda não publicaram o que foi atualizado. Queremos saber: o que foi atualizado? O tráfego de um projeto está afundando e não tenho direcionamento nenhum para corrigir isso. Em outros mecanismos está tudo funcionando normalmente, somente no Google está com esse problema! Estamos no escuro, perdendo investimentos de anos e ninguém da empresa Google é capaz de dar um suporte.

Aguardo retorno.
Ultima modifica: 26 lug 2022
17 ago 2022
Estou no mesmo barco que você. Meu site caiu de 31k para 6k de maio pra cá!!! Precisamos saber o que atualizar para acompanhar o Google. (vou traduzir)

My website is sinking. It´s falling down from 31k/month to 6k from May till now. We have to know what to update to follow Google paces.

Ultima modifica: 17 ago 2022
29 ago 2022
Google has finished my site effort. An authority site lost all snippets and majority of its traffic. My weakness is weakened. But why (
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