In a few instances within my workplaces' website the title is replaced by the heading and descriptions used within the posts on the site rather than the descriptive SEO declared on the single post.
Title shown: Using different engineering specialisms in prototyping | TEDI London
Device: Any device (Laptop, Desktop, Mobile phone)
Search query: tedi london news
Feedback: The news page is essentially the main Posts page within WordPress so should display something like "Latest news | TEDI London" but instead, is being replaced by the most recent news posts title. When querying on google the page shows almost as a sub-domain of a different news post even though, the news posts should be subdomains of the main News page. See below image for reference.
Similarly, the Events page title is being affected too, but not when querying on google search.
Title shown: UK University Search Fairs | TEDI London
Device: Any device (Laptop, Desktop, Mobile phone)
Search query: tedi london events
Feedback: The result from google searching the term above results in "Events - TEDI London" being displayed as the title for the URL, however when you open the URL, the title within the tab displays "UK University Search Fairs | TEDI London". The title shown in the tab is coming from the an event card within the Coming Up section on the page. It should say something similar to the tile displayed when you search for the URL. However, throughout the site the SEO contains branding in the structure of <page title> | TEDI London which is preferred compared to the current use of a dash instead - "Events - TEDI London". See below image for reference.
Finally, an issue with the title occurs on the Error 404 - page can't be found, this may not be related but I think it does relate to the above issue.
Title shown: Using different engineering specialisms in prototyping | TEDI London
Device: Any device (Laptop, Desktop, Mobile phone)
Feedback: The URL above doesn't exist, its an example of a page which would not exist and therefore is re-routed to the 404 Page which it is, however meta title for this page is overwritten by the title for the latest news post as above. It should say "Page not found | TEDI London" or "404 | TEDI London"
Hopefully this all makes sense, the rest of the meta tags throughout the site are correct and works well so not sure why this has occurred which is why I assume Google is changing these titles. We noticed this problem as it was altering the meta title and descriptions when Marketing were sharing URL's on social media such as Twitter.
Any help would be much appreciated thanks!