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25 ago 2021

Your feedback on titles shown in search results

We recently wrote about an update to the algorithms that we use to select titles for search results. The blog posts includes various details on how we generate these titles, why we have such systems, and how HTML from the page itself is taken into account. 

We'd love to get your feedback on how this is working for your website, or for a page that you ran across in your day-to-day usage of Google Search. To make it a bit easier, feel free to add your feedback as a reply to this post. Your feedback here helps us to improve our systems, helping to make Google Search easier for everyone, and is always very welcome. 

If you'd like to give us examples, please include the URL of the page, the title shown, the device type used (was it on a mobile phone or a laptop?), and any feedback you have on that title. If you can, including a screenshot makes it easier to recognize too. 

If you have general feedback about the search results, not specific to the titles shown, please use the feedback link directly in the search results, or, if it's about your website, feel free to start a thread here :). 

John Mueller, Search Advocate at Google
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25 ago 2021
Hello, the latest change to titles is not properly representing the 'brand attribute' of the title. You are appending - AAA Northern California regardless of the location of the search. This business operates in multiples states outside of the Northern California region. CTR has dropped significantly in these instances.  Thank you. 

November Update. You had resolved this issue and now it is back for more queries than before. 'aaa insurance quote', 'aaa locked keys in car', 'aaa towing'. The title you are generating is incorrect and misrepresenting the site. Please fix. Thank you. 
Última modificación el 14 nov 2021
25 mar 2022
My website something wrong. And this website is not available on search. Please help me for published the website.
25 mar 2022
User 1487192472787538046

My website something wrong. And this website is not available on search. Please help me for published the website.

This is not handled in Search Console.

For support with free Google Business Sites go to
25 mar 2022
Setup Google search console and submit sitemap in it.
26 mar 2022
Thank You So Much.
26 mar 2022
Hello User 1487192472787538046,

This website is designed on Google My Business.

What is the google my business website?

Google offers a free website as per your mentioned details on your Google Local Profile. This website is automatically designed according to your local business information.

Google Index your website, but wait a few days. After that, Google automatically indexes your website.

Few Point Remember -

- Put Quality and Better information in your local profile listing.
- Complete all the sections in GMB
- Add Real Business Images 
- Add Working Hours
- Add content number and appointment link 
- Post content in your listing

Then google checks your listing and indexes your Google Business site quickly.

In google Business Profile, I Don't have the option to add in Google Search Console.
Última modificación el 26 mar 2022
31 mar 2022
Thank you so much 
6 abr 2022

In a few instances within my workplaces' website the title is replaced by the heading and descriptions used within the posts on the site rather than the descriptive SEO declared on the single post.

Title shown: Using different engineering specialisms in prototyping | TEDI London
Device: Any device (Laptop, Desktop, Mobile phone)
Search query: tedi london news
Feedback: The news page is essentially the main Posts page within WordPress so should display something like "Latest news | TEDI London" but instead, is being replaced by the most recent news posts title. When querying on google the page shows almost as a sub-domain of a different news post even though, the news posts should be subdomains of the main News page. See below image for reference. 

Similarly, the Events page title is being affected too, but not when querying on google search. 

Title shown: UK University Search Fairs | TEDI London
Device: Any device (Laptop, Desktop, Mobile phone)
Search query: tedi london events
Feedback: The result from google searching the term above results in "Events - TEDI London" being displayed as the title for the URL, however when you open the URL, the title within the tab displays "UK University Search Fairs | TEDI London". The title shown in the tab is coming from the an event card within the Coming Up section on the page. It should say something similar to the tile displayed when you search for the URL. However, throughout the site the SEO contains branding in the structure of <page title> | TEDI London which is preferred compared to the current use of a dash instead - "Events - TEDI London". See below image for reference. 

Finally, an issue with the title occurs on the Error 404 -  page can't be found, this may not be related but I think it does relate to the above issue.

Title shown: Using different engineering specialisms in prototyping | TEDI London
Device: Any device (Laptop, Desktop, Mobile phone)
Feedback: The URL above doesn't exist, its an example of a page which would not exist and therefore is re-routed to the 404 Page which it is, however meta title for this page is overwritten by the title for the latest news post as above. It should say "Page not found | TEDI London" or "404 | TEDI London"

Hopefully this all makes sense, the rest of the meta tags throughout the site are correct and works well so not sure why this has occurred which is why I assume Google is changing these titles. We noticed this problem as it was altering the meta title and descriptions when Marketing were sharing URL's on social media such as Twitter.

Any help would be much appreciated thanks!
Última modificación el 6 abr 2022
13 abr 2022
Why Google is removing my Brand Name from the Title?


Última modificación el 13 abr 2022
15 abr 2022
I have a big problem with it!

When I search my company name, in Belarus region I got just "luxtent" in title!

In other website region I got different title! Correct in RU, UA region, and incorrect in AZ region (like Luxtent in Azerbaijan).

I can't understand why?! And how can I fix it.

Última modificación el 15 abr 2022
17 abr 2022
Its not picking right title for my website and from the recent update even my client side rendering not working properly google using my website url to redirect to renderton url.
25 may 2022
Hellp John,

Why does the following happen?


None of these pages have the term "匡騰學院", but it still comes up when searching, e.g. “SDS安全資料表編寫軟體-輕鬆、快速 - 匡騰學院”

It is understandable that Google will rewrite the title with reference to the content of the page, but why are keywords that are not on the page also written inside?

How we should avoid this situation?

Thanks for your help!
25 may 2022
Forgot to say that on www.banja-vrujci.net and on www.vrujci.org also Google is rewriting the original titles.
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