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Jul 24, 2019

FAQ - Google Events Search

Hey Webmasters! 

Now that events in Google Search is launching in multiple regions, more event websites are able to integrate their content. Here is a list of FAQs to help with specific issues. Check out the public documentation and our Eventbrite Case Study!

Q: I have event listings on my website and offer event tickets. How can I integrate?
You can add markup to your events to be eligible to be shown in events in Google Search.
When it comes to integrating events markup and making sitemap files, we strongly recommend to make these automatically through your server directly. This is the best way to make sure that your new and updated content is highlighted to search engines as quickly as possible. Most content management systems will take care of this for you.
Before automating the process, first implement the markup in one of your event pages and test for completeness by running the page through the Rich Results Test or the Structured Data Testing Tool. After you ensure that all fields are accurate, you can automate the process of adding markup at scale for all your event listings. 
Here is a starter kit of documentation and tools to help integrate, validate, and measure the impact of your event postings:

Q: Why are my events not appearing in this feature?
Google does not guarantee that your structured data will show up in search results, even if your page is marked up correctly according to the Rich Results Test. To debug issues, follow the steps below:
    1. Check the Event rich result status report to see if there are issues with your markup.
    2. Consider making your URLs index-friendly by keeping your URL structure simple and by following these structure guidelines.
    3. Consolidate duplicate URLs by using canonicals to tell Googlebot which is the preferred page for indexing.
    4. Make sure that your event posting URL directs to one event posting and not to multiple events with markup. The page that has the markup itself should only contain one event.

Q: How long will it take for my pages to be indexed?
Indexing varies based on several factors and there is no set time for pages to get indexed. Learn more about how to submit your new and updated URLs to Google
Q: Where is this feature launched?
Refer to our list of currently launched regions.
Q: I noticed another event posting for the same event; why is it ranked higher than my posting?
We continually update and improve our ranking algorithm to better surface high quality, relevant events.  For events in Google Search, completeness of information is an important factor in ranking because items with more recommended properties provide a higher quality user experience. 
To test the completeness of your markup, enter a URL in the Rich Results Test. Based on the results, add as many required and recommended properties that you can. For more resources about how to improve your site's performance on Google, visit our quality guidelines.
Q: How do I check how many events are indexed and whether our events postings are showing up in events in Google Search?
We recommend using Search Console to measure the impact of your integration and the Rich Results Test to assist with markup validation. For more information about what to look for in Search Console, visit the Rich result status report.
Q: How often should I submit my sitemap?
We recommend that you submit sitemaps whenever there is a change to your events. 
Q: How strong of a recommendation is it to use JSON-LD for structured data compared to Microdata and RDFa?
JSON-LD is preferable as it is a cleaner, more simple implementation from a development perspective, but Microdata is also fine. RDFa is a bit more difficult to read and is not as highly recommended. Refer to our Structured Data Format documentation for more information.
Q: I received a manual action notification after adding event markup. How do I fix it?
Review the content and technical guidelines and the general quality guidelines and make sure you fix any issues. Once you are confident that the markup on your pages are within the guidelines, apply for reconsideration.
Q: Does events in Google Search support an XML feed or provide an API to bulk upload events data?
Currently, we don't support XML feeds or bulk upload to send event data.
Q: What are some common pitfalls in markup that I should know? Description - Use description to add a clear, concise, and complete description of the specific event. Focus on the event details and not on your site's features. Do not repeat event information such as date or location, which should be marked up in the appropriate fields.

  • Description - Use description to add a clear, concise, and complete description of the specific event. Focus on the event details and not on your site's features. Do not repeat event information such as date or location, which should be marked up in the appropriate fields.

  • Time - Use startDate and endDate to specify the event date and time in ISO-8601 format for both start and end dates. Be sure to specify the correct time zone in your date markup. Specify the time as well as the date, so that users can search for events that fit their schedule;, for example: "startDate": "2018-10-01T19:30-08:00", "endDate": "2019-10-01T23:00-08:00". For all-day events, specify the same start and end dates, but omit the time portion. Example: "startDate": "2018-10-01", "endDate": "2019-10-01"

  • Title - Use name to specify the proper, full title of the event: don't specify the event type or description in this parameter. Do not include non-name information such as dates, prices, performer names, or locations. Add all additional information in the appropriate field.

  • Tickets - Specify a ticket purchasing page in offers.url to help customers buy tickets to your event.

  • Ticket price - Specify the lowest price available for your tickets using offers.price. Don't forget to update this value as prices change or tickets sell out.

  • Location - Specify the event location with the location property. Pay special attention to the following fields:
    • location.address describes the street address of the event.
    • is the name of the venue or location, not a repeat of the title of the event. If the location has no name, you may omit this.

  • Performers - Add a separate performer element for each participant performing at the event.

  • Event image - Including an image with the image property makes an event result much more engaging to users in search results.

Please do not reply to this post. Instead, we encourage you to create a new post in the Structured Data section so internal experts and Product Experts can provide support. If you have any further questions that haven't been answered on this post.

Hope this helps!

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Last edited Jul 25, 2019
Recommended Answer
Oct 18, 2019
This thread is for information about Event Search only.
Anyone needing help  with their own websites should post their own thread.
Last edited Oct 26, 2019
Product Expert Alumni Shannon... recommended this
All Replies (7)
Recommended Answer
Oct 18, 2019
This thread is for information about Event Search only.
Anyone needing help  with their own websites should post their own thread.
Last edited Oct 26, 2019
Product Expert Alumni Shannon... recommended this
Dec 9, 2019
In the performing arts many events happen in series. For example, a theatre production is presented 20 times over a month.  The theatre event series will have a single webpage with information on the production and a list of performance dates.

The current Google recommendation is to duplicate properties including title, description, location and others for each of the 20 events. However, only the dates and offers are changing across all 20 performances. 

Can Google recommend a better way to add structured data on webpages with event series to avoid a high volume of duplication?  Is there a recommended use of the relatively new schema:EventSeries or linking events and superEvents with IDs?
Google user
Jan 21, 2020
n the performing arts many events happen in series. For example, a theatre production is presented 20 times over a month.  The theatre event series will have a single webpage with information on the production and a list of performance dates.

The current Google recommendation is to duplicate properties including title, description, location and others for each of the 20 events. However, only the dates and offers are changing across all 20
Mar 4, 2020
We have events populating our Google Search results that we can't remove--they're private, and some are incorrect...none of this happened with our consent. HOW can business owners turn OFF the auto-populated calendar results??
Mar 4, 2020
Can you please post your own thread for help?
Apr 24, 2020
Hello, what should be proper event status after event ends and before new dates are announced?
Apr 30, 2020
Fabulous FAQ page about event contenting.. I'm curious how it relates to the different types of online event publishers:

Venue - Event at the venue
Promoter - Booking agent promoting event
Event Organiser - promoting event
Performer - Marketing shows
Event Publisher - TimeOut
Ticket Seller - Eventbrite
Government - Local council events
Advertising Agency - Event marketing

Curiously, one event could appear in multiple publications
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