Pieprasītā lapa pašlaik nav pieejama jūsu valodā. Varat lapas apakšdaļā atlasīt citu valodu vai nekavējoties tulkot jebkuru tīmekļa lapu jūsu izvēlētā valodā, izmantojot pārlūkā Google Chrome iebūvēto tulkošanas funkciju.

Opt out of display on local search results and other Google properties

You can opt out of having content that Google has crawled from your site displayed on various Google properties:

If you choose the opt-out option, content from your site that’s been crawled by Googlebot won’t be displayed on any of the properties listed above. Content currently being displayed on any of these properties will be removed within 30 days of opting out.

The opt-out option applies on a domain name basis. For instance, you may designate example.com to opt out all content on that domain, including any of its sub-domains (such as sub.example.com). If you own additional domains (like example.org or example2.com), including domains that may serve content to an opted out domain, you must opt them out separately for the opt-out to apply to the content on each of those separate domains. You may not designate only individual sub-domains (such as sub.example.com) or individual directories within a domain (such as example.com/sub).

Note that for local search results, this opt-out option applies globally. For the remaining covered properties, this opt-out option applies only to services hosted on the google.com domain.

View or change your opt-out setting in Search Console

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