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Debug missing structured data or drops in structured data items

When working with structured data in Search Console, you may encounter two issues:

  1. Structured data items are missing from your Search Console property. This can mean that you don’t see the report at all, or that structured data items you implemented are missing from the report. 
  2. There’s a drop in the number of structured data items in your report.

This guide explains and offers troubleshooting for missing structured data items or a decline in reported numbers.

When structured data items are missing from your Search Console property

If structured data items are missing from your property, consider these possibilities:

  • The report only shows a sample of your pages. 
  • Unparsable structured data: Syntax errors can make structured data unparseable. Such issues are highlighted in the Unparsable structured data report if available for your property. 
  • Pages not indexed: Only indexed pages appear in Search Console reports. If structured data was added to pages not indexed by Google, it won't show in the property. 
  • Crawling delays: Newly implemented structured data might not appear immediately, as Google requires time to crawl updated pages. Requesting recrawls can help, but it takes time. 
  • Page access issues: If Google cannot access a page due to a login requirement, robots.txt restrictions, or a noindex directive, the structured data won’t be seen in your Search Console property. 

When there’s a drop in the number of structured data items in your report

A decrease in reported structured items can indicate a change in page eligibility or accessibility. Check these factors:

  • Decrease in indexed pages: A drop in indexed pages leads to fewer structured data items in reports. 
  • Critical markup errors: Invalid or unparsable structured data on previously valid pages can cause items to disappear from reports. 
  • Sampling limitations: Search Console structured data reports display a sample of your pages, and changes in the sample size might reduce the number of reported items.

Troubleshooting missing or dropped structured data items

To identify and fix the root cause of missing or dropped items:

  1. Check indexing status: Use the URL Inspection tool to confirm if affected pages are indexed. Address indexing issues if needed, test the live URL, and request reindexing.
  2. Validate structured data: Use the Rich Results Test to check the structured data on your pages. Fix any errors, update your pages, and request reindexing if required.
  3. Confirm access: Ensure no technical barriers (e.g., robots.txt rules or noindex tags) prevent Google from accessing pages.

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