HTTPS report

The HTTPS report shows how many indexed URLs on your site are HTTP vs HTTPS. Google strongly recommends using HTTPS for your site to protect your users' security and privacy. If your site has a page with both an HTTP and HTTPS address, Google prefers to index the HTTPS version. This report is available only for Domain properties and HTTPS URL-prefix properties.


Open HTTPS report

What to look for

The report shows the count of indexed HTTPS and HTTP URLs. Search Console then checks each HTTP URL for a matching HTTPS URL (ignoring parameters) and reports why the HTTPS version could not be indexed.

Ideally your site should have no HTTP URLs in the report, indicating that your site is using all HTTPS URLs. However, if you do see HTTP URLs listed in this report, try to fix the errors in order to provide a good page experience to your visitors.

If your site is mostly HTTP URLs, you might see a few "HTTPS crawling issue" errors, and a lot of "Other issues" errors. In this case, Google probably gave up trying to crawl corresponding HTTPS pages after receiving 404 responses for the first several HTTPS URLs that it tried to crawl.

The report does not consider alternate HTTPS versions of an HTTP page that don't have the same URL structure.

Fixing issues

  1. Address issues other than HTTPS not evaluated first. Fixing other issues might fix these issues as well.
  2. For URLs with issues, click into the specific issue to see a list of affected pages. Generally it's good to fix the issues that affect the most pages first.
  3. For each example error in the table, determine the HTTPS URL that was crawled for that URL: Search Console tests the HTTPS version of the HTTP URL.
  4. Follow the advice in the error description to fix the issue.
  5. Fix your HTTPS errors. If a site has a lot of HTTPS issues, it can prompt Google to stop crawling your HTTPS pages.


A note about transient errors: Some errors may be transient, and will self-correct after a while. Typically what happens is that Google has crawled the HTTP page before you posted the HTTPS page, or before Google had a chance to crawl the HTTPS version of the URL (crawling the HTTPS version is queued). Therefore you might see some problems correcting themselves over time even without any changes by you.

  • HTTP marked with canonical tag: The HTTP page has a <link rel="canonical"> tag, indicating that the HTTP version is canonical. If you have an HTTPS version of the page, you should declare the HTTPS as the canonical page.
    • To test: You can search for this tag using the URL Inspection tool:
      1. Click the inspection icon next to the URL in the HTTPS report.
      2. Click URL Inspection in the page header to get to the main inspection results for the URL.
      3. Click Live test,
      4. Click View tested page to see the HTML of the live page, and search for the tag.
  • HTTPS has invalid certificate: The HTTPS URL has an invalid SSL certificate. Typically this affects an entire site. You should update your HTTPS certificate for browsers to be able to visit your secure pages without issues.
  • Sitemap points to HTTP: A sitemap on your site is pointing to an HTTP URL that was indexed as canonical. Update your sitemaps to point to the HTTPS version of your pages. You will see this error only if Google was able to successfully crawl and index the HTTP URL listed in the sitemap.
  • HTTPS has redirect: The HTTPS URL exists, but redirects to an HTTP URL. Either remove the redirect, or redirect to an HTTPS page.
  • HTTPS URL is roboted: The HTTPS URL is present, but is blocked from crawling by a robots.txt rule.
  • HTTPS not evaluated: This error can be caused by any of the following conditions: See Fixing HTTPS not evaluated errors.
    • The HTTP URL has no equivalent HTTPS URL. If the equivalent HTTPS URL doesn't exist (404 error) or Google encounters any other 4XX error (such as auth required) or 5XX level error (server issues), then the URL will be labeled as HTTPS not evaluated.
    • The HTTP and equivalent HTTPS URLs exist, but for some reason Google chose the HTTP version as canonical. Be sure to mark your HTTPS as canonical using one of these methods.
    • Google encountered so many errors of any type that it has stopped processing queued URLs on your site. Any remaining queued URLs are labeled as HTTPS not evaluated.
    • There is a site-wide error that prevents Google from evaluating this URL (for example, a bad SSL certificate for the site).
    • Google has never seen the URL, or has seen the URL but not crawled it yet. If this is a newly crawled URL, it can take some time before the HTTPS status is evaluated, so wait a day and check back to see if this problem has corrected itself.
  • Other issues: Another error occurred that is not covered in the list of errors.

Fixing HTTPS not evaluated errors

If you see many other errors besides HTTPS not evaluated, fix your other errors first. Doing so might unblock processing, and enable these URLs to be processed.

If this is a newly crawled URL, it can take some time before the HTTPS status is evaluated, so wait a day and check back to see if this problem has corrected itself.

If you see few other errors besides HTTPS not evaluated,

  • If your site has few (or no) HTTPS pages, this number will be large, of course. We recommend switching your site to HTTPS.
  • If your site has a site-wide HTTPS error (such as a bad certificate) it can cause this issue.
  • Check your site for availability issues in the Crawl stats report. If your site is not responding to crawl requests, it can prompt Google to stop checking your URLs.
  • Look for errors or 404 responses in the Page Indexing report, especially on important pages.
  • See How to fix missing HTTPS URLs.

How to fix missing HTTPS URLs

If you don't have an HTTPS version of an HTTP URL, be sure to create one.

If you do have an HTTPS version of an HTTP URL, let Google know about it:

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