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Entity lookup

Look up an entity from the last ingestion of your feed to see entity status and other details.

The Entity lookup tool does not show the status of an entity in the Google Knowledge Graph. It shows the status of the entity in the most recent feed ingestion.

Look up an entity

There are several ways to look for an entity in your feed, including:

  • Enter the full entity ID in the search bar at the top of the page in Search Console in your catalog property, or
  • Click Entity lookup in the navigation bar, then enter the full entity ID in the search bar, or
  • Click the search icon next to an entity in a list of entities, such as the list of example entities of a specific type in the Feed report.

When you search for an entity, you will see search results for the most recent ingestion of each feed in the property. Click a search result to see details about the entity in that feed. See possible reasons why an entity might not be found.

Live feed failure alerts

If there was a problem processing or pushing the live feed, you will see a warning on the results and details pages in entity lookup for the live feed. Entity lookup results are from the last ingestion.


The results show the entity information obtained from the most recent ingestion for each feed, whether or not the ingestion succeeded.

  • If the entity was not present in the last ingestion, the results will indicate this.
  • If the entity was not present in the last ingestion, but was present in an earlier ingestion in the last 30 days, you can see the entity history by clicking into the entity page and then clicking the "View entity history" button.
  • If the entity has not been in a feed for the last 30 days, all history is dropped, and the results appear as if the entity had never been in the feed.

Entity status

The entity status reflects the status in the item in the most recent ingestion. The following values are possible:

  • Valid entity: The entity was found, and all required and recommended fields are provided and correct.
  • Valid entity with warnings: The entity was found, and is eligible to be pushed to Google from a live feed, but has some non-critical issues or suggested improvements.
  • Invalid entity: The entity was found, but has critical errors that would prevent it from being pushed to Google from a live feed.
  • No entity found: The entity specified could not be found in the most recent ingestion in the last 30 days. Possible reasons include:
    • The entity was absent from the most recent ingestion of the feed, or
    • There were no ingestions that could be processed for the feed in the last 30 days (that is, no ingestions with a status that starts with "Data processed"), or
    • The entity was in a file that could not be read, or
    • You mistyped the entity ID


Which ingestions are searched?
Entity lookup searches only the last attempted ingestion, whether it was successful or not. During an ingestion, Google tries to read all files in the feed; if one file cannot be read, the ingestion will fail, but the searchable inventory includes all files that were successfully read.

Entity details

To see details about the latest ingested version of an entity in each feed in your property, search for the entity, then click a search result for a feed. You can see the following details about an entity:

  • Last update: The ingestion date for which the information is shown. This date is the date and time of the last feed ingestion. Therefore, for a successful live feed, this is the entity that was potentially pushed to the Knowledge Graph. Entities from failed feeds or non-live feeds will not affect the Knowledge Graph.
  • Status: Status of the entity.
  • Source file: The path or URL of the source file that contained this entity. (Note that some older properties that use a legacy ingestion system might not see this information--we hope to fix this soon.)
  • Entity code: See the raw source code for the entity by clicking Show entity code.
  • Status and data: Includes the following information:
    • Status of the entity.
    • All entity fields and values for this instance, whether valid or not. Missing fields are not shown in this list, but will be shown in the error and warnings information. Click the field name to see the code for this field.
    • Any errors or warnings found for this entity.
      • Click the error or warning note to see additional fix information about the error
      • Field errors and warnings are shown just above the field to which they apply. If the error cannot be tied to a specific field, the error or warning will be shown at the top of the fields table.

Entity history

You can see the status history of an entity for each ingestion in each feed in the past 30 days. History is available whether an entity is present or absent from the most recent ingestion, as long as the entity was present in an ingestion in the past 30 days. If the entity was not found in any ingestion in the past 30 days, lookup and history are not available.

To see entity history:

  1. Look up the entity, as described above.
    • If the entity was found, click the entity in the results list to see entity details, then click History.
    • If the entity was not found, but was found in the last 30 days, click View entity history in the empty result list.

An ingestion will not appear in the entity history if the entity was in a file that could not be read during that ingestion.

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