Pagina pe care ați solicitat-o nu este disponibilă în limba dvs. Puteți să selectați altă limbă din partea de jos a paginii sau să traduceți instantaneu orice pagină web în limba dorită folosind funcția încorporată de traducere din Google Chrome.

Add, edit, or remove catalog properties

Catalog properties are read-only for now. All changes should be managed through your Google contact person.

Create a new catalog property

To create a new catalog property, please speak to your Google feeds contact.

When you create a new data feed to serve to Google, Search Console will create a new catalog property for you that includes your feed. If you have only one feed, it will be designated as the live feed, although it won't be badged as such until the first successful push to Google.

Change settings in your catalog property

To change any settings in your existing catalog property, please speak to your Google feeds contact.

Add or delete a feed or feed files

To add or delete a feed or any files scheduled for the feed, please speak to your Google feeds contact.

Adding or removing owners or users

User management for a catalog property is the same as with a website property. The only difference is that verified owners must be added by Google, as described in Create a new catalog property.

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