Text fitting options are useful in responsive or Dynamic ads, when the length of the text or the size of the text container might vary, and the text could overflow the container. By default, text fitting is enabled for dynamic text content.
Select a text container to see text fitting options in the Text panel.
Two methods of text fitting are available: reducing the text size and truncating the text. If you enable both options, Google Web Designer decreases the text size to the minimum size that you specify before truncating the text.
Text fitting only takes effect if the text will overflow the container. If you're in text editing mode, Web Designer waits until you exit text editing mode to adjust the text size or truncation.
Reduce text size to fit container
This setting shrinks the text size to avoid overflowing the container. When multiple sizes of text are in the container, Web Designer maintains the relative size differences when reducing the text size.
Minimum size: Set a limit for how small to make the text before allowing overflow or truncation. The default is 10px.
Fitted size: The text size with text fitting settings applied. Since the fitted size is automatically set, you can't edit this field. The font size field in the Text tool options bar and the Text panel don't reflect text fitting settings, but the default value for the line height (1.2 times the font size) will be calculated using the fitted size.
While you're in text editing mode for text with this setting, the font size field is disabled.
Truncate to fit container
This setting prevents text from overflowing by replacing ending characters with an ellipsis (...
). If an ellipsis doesn't fit in the container, no text displays.
While you're in text editing mode for truncated text, the full text is shown.