About the Pen tool and shape tools

The Pen and shape tools create graphics within an SVG element. SVG is an XML-based image format used for vector graphics. Google Web Designer creates the XML in the background when you use these tools to create images.

Google Web Designer versions 1.9.1 and older use a canvas tag for shapes. Newer versions of Web Designer automatically convert canvas shapes to SVG. Converted ovals with an inner radius may appear differently after conversion and need adjustment.

To choose the Pen tool, Oval tool, Rectangle tool, or Line tool, click and hold the Pen tool in the toolbar. A pop-up menu appears so you can select the shape you want to add. The most recently selected tool is shown in the toolbar.

Note: Firefox version 56 may not render SVG elements correctly in some cases.

Resizing SVGs

If you're resizing an SVG image or shape to make it larger, use the width and height properties rather than 3D scaling. If you're using the Selection tool transform control to resize the SVG element, you may need to change the sizing method.

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