Exits for Google Ads dynamic ads

By default, creatives for Google Ads exit to the final URL specified within Google Ads (for example, your homepage URL). Dynamic creatives also have the option to exit to the active feed item's landing page.

The way to add an exit depends on whether you're using a non-responsive Google Web Designer template (i.e., where you specified the creative size).

Exits for responsive templates and new blank files

If you're building a dynamic ad for Google Ads from scratch, or you're using a responsive template, you can use a Tap Area for most cases. The exception is when your ad includes a Swipeable Gallery.

Add an exit for a Tap Area

For most elements, you can add an exit to a specific feed item's landing page URL by using a Tap Area with a dynamic data binding.

  1. Add a Tap Area from the Components panel. Reposition and resize the Tap Area as necessary.
  2. Right-click the Tap Area and select Dynamic bindings... from the pop-up menu.
  3. In the Element attribute column, select Exit Override URL.
  4. In the Data schema object column, choose the index of the feed item and select Landing Page URL.
  5. Click OK.

Add an exit for a Swipeable Gallery

If your ad includes a Swipeable Gallery to display feed items, set up an event to exit to the active feed item's URL. If you're not using a template that already includes gwd.handleProductExit in the list of custom actions, you need to add a custom action with the custom code below.

Use gwd.handleProductExit as the action, configuring the exit event as follows:

Target gwd-swipegallery_1 (or the ID of your Swipeable Gallery)
Event Swipeable Gallery > Frame tap
Action Custom > gwd.handleProductExit or Add custom action
Custom Code

var frameIndex = event.detail.id; // one-based gallery frame index.
var productIndex = frameIndex - 1; // zero-based product index.
var exitId = 'Product_' + productIndex + '_url';

Add an exit to the default landing page

Set up an event to exit to the final URL. If you're not using a template that already includes gwd.handleDefaultExit in the list of custom actions, you need to add a custom action with the custom code below.

Use gwd.handleDefaultExit as the action, configuring the exit event as follows:

Target The ID of the element
Event Mouse > click
Action Custom > gwd.handleDefaultExit or Add custom action
Custom Code


Exits for fixed-size templates

When you build a non-responsive ad using the Google Ads dynamic remarketing templates in Google Web Designer, exits are listed as custom actions in the Event dialog.

Which custom action to select depends on the exit destination you want:

Exit destination Google Web Designer event action
Current feed item's URL Custom > gwd.exitToItem
Default URL Custom > gwd.exitToDefault
Google Ads exit actions in the Event dialog

The Custom > gwd.exitAuto action has been deprecated.

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