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Google Web Designer overview

Google Web Designer is intended for business use only.

Introduction to Google Web Designer: how and when to use Google Web Designer

Design online ads and videos

Google Web Designer is an advanced web application that lets you design and build HTML5 ads, images, videos, and other web content for your business using an integrated visual and code interface. Using Google Web Designer's Design view, you can create content with drawing tools, text, and 3D objects, then animate it all on a timeline.

Develop code

Google Web Designer's Code view lets you create CSS, JavaScript, and XML files, and uses syntax highlighting and code autocompletion that makes your code easier to write with fewer errors.

Add media and interactivity

Google Web Designer provides a set of components that let you add image galleries, maps, visual effects, and other functionality to your websites and advertisements. You can customize events to trigger based on user actions, or at specific points in time. For video ads, you can also edit video and audio clips.

Advanced workflows

Once you're done creating your content, Web Designer provides the tools you need to make your layout responsive across different screen sizes, or add dynamic bindings to a data feed so you can personalize your ads for your audience.

All at no cost

There is no cost to download or use Google Web Designer for your business.

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