
As of September 1, 2023, Waze is no longer selling Ads. Read more about the Waze ads wind down.

Manage access & permissions

This article explains how to add, remove and edit user permissions in Waze Ads Manager. If you manage multiple accounts, make sure to follow the steps below in each of them. Changing user's access or permission type in one account doesn't affect other accounts the user has access to.
You need to have full access to an account to manage its users and permissions.

Add access

Before you start, make sure the user you want to give access to has a Waze Ads user

  1. Sign in at and enter your account.
  2. From the left navigation panel, go to Account Settings > Access.
  3. Enter the user's email and select access type from the dropdown menu: 
    • Read only: to view the account and export reports.
    • Full: to fully manage the account.

  5. Click Add Access.

Seeing a green banner saying "Well done! Successfully created access"? The user can now access the account through

Edit user permissions

Under "Permissions", change an individual user's permission type to "full" or "read only".

Remove access

Next to the username, click Delete.


I get an error message after trying to grant access to additional users

If you tried to grant access to an additional users and get a got error message saying "Oh snap! The following errors prevented your changes from being saved: Username: not found", it means the email you've entered doesn't belong to a Waze or Waze Ads user.

To solve the issue:

  1. Verify that you typed the email correctly.
  2. Verify that the user who needs access has provided the correct email.

If none of the above worked, ask the user to create a new Waze Ads user, and enter their email again.

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