
As of September 1, 2023, Waze is no longer selling Ads. Read more about the Waze ads wind down.

Add multiple locations

To add multiple locations to your account, fill out the locations list according to the guidelines listed below and attach it to your email to customer support.

Location name

  • The business name has to be 30 characters max, in proper case. 

  • The most recognizable name of the location, usually the brand name. The pin name will serve as each location's search phrase.
  • Do not include a city/state/country/branch name unless it's part of the location name.
  • If the location has a slogan that you want to include, don't write it in the business name. You can add it later in the description field.
  • If you're a Guest advertiser, the pin name must be the location name and not the product/service name.
Recommended Practices Not Recommended
Sharon's Pizza

Sharon's Pizza - Miami

Sharon's Pizza - USA

Adams Car Rental

Adams Car Rental - The Best Bargain for You!

Adams Car Rental - Detroit Branch

New York Tours New York Tours - NYC


Should be a physical location where Waze users can receive services and/or purchase your product at.

Field Accepted Formats


(35 characters max)

168 Oxford blvd.

168 Oxford Street

168 Oxford St.

City, State

(20 characters max)

Des Moines, Iowa

Des Moines, IW

Melbourne, Victoria

London, England

Additional info

(30 characters max)

Second floor

Back entrance

William St. entrance

Long description

  • 60 characters max.
  • Write a clear and short description of your business. This field helps Waze users to understand the nature of your business. 
  • Add an appealing call to action message. Align the description with your ad's CTA to entice Waze users to save your offer or visit your store.
  • If your business’s name isn't very informative, use the description field to describe the nature of your business.
  • Advertise special promotions and/or seasonal offers at your store.
  • Delete unnecessary spaces, exclamation marks and other characters that might confuse our users.

Phone number

Your business's phone number, including area code.


A full link to a landing page or your business's website.

Display URL

How the URL should be displayed.

Opening hours

24-hour format, digits only. For example: 08:00-18:00.


  • Stands for latitude and longitude.
  • Insert the location coordinates with 5 digits after the dot. Example: 35.24599, -4.02847

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