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Fix street name discrepancies with Reverse Geocoding

One of the most common issues with feeds is a discrepancy between the street name that appears in the file and the street name on the Waze map. For example, when a closure provided through a feed identifies a street with a name that doesn't match the one that appears on the Waze map.

Use the Reverse Geocoding API to resolve these inconsistencies.

  1. Find your token:
    1. Open the Partners Hub
    2. Click Toolbox tab
    3. Click Partner feed
    4. Under "Reverse Geocoding Token", copy your token
  2. Copy the URL for your region and paste it in your web browser
    1. NA (North America (United States, Canada)): https://www.waze.com/partnerhub-api/waze-map/streetsInfo?lat=<lat>&lon=<lon>&token=<token>
    2. ROW (Rest of the world - all other countries): https://www.waze.com/row-partnerhub-api/waze-map/streetsInfo?lat=<lat>&lon=<lon>&token=<token>
    3. IL (Israel): https://www.waze.com/il-partnerhub-api/waze-map/streetsInfo?lat=<lat&gt;&lon=<lon>&token=<token>
  3. In the URL, replace <lat> with the relevant latitude
  4. Replace <lon> with the relevant longitude
  5. Replace <token> with your token
  6. Press Enter 
    In the window that opens, you'll see a list of street names (and alternative street names, if any exist) within a 50 meter radius of the provided coordinates. These names are sorted by distance in meters from the coordinates. For example: {"result":[{"streetNames":["Street name"],"distance":4.54296584097681}], "lon":-43.1729,"radius":50,"lat":-22.90685}

    • The top 5 street names are in descending order
    • The distance is measured in relation to the nearest street
  7. From the list of street names that appears, select the street name that matches the street name in Waze. Use that name in your feed.

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