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Didn't find an answer in one of our other Help articles? Check out some of our most frequently asked questions:

I don’t see new features, what should I do?

Are you an active Beta community member?

  • No, I want to sign up! Read on here.

  • Yes, I've signed up and participated in forum discussions several times:

    • These requirements need to be met for you to test Waze Beta versions:

Requirement How will I know it's OK? What should I do if it's not OK?
Access to Waze Discuss for Beta Log in to Waze Discuss for Beta and make sure you have access to the various categories Contact Support through this form
Your Waze user has been flagged as a Beta Community member Once you download a Beta / RC version of the app, you gain access to Beta features as described in this list of feature statuses. Let us know through the forums!

Opted-in to Beta distributer:

  • iOS: TestFlight,
  • Android: Waze Beta channel in Play Store

iOS: You have Test Flight installed and see Waze in the list of apps for Beta testing.

Android: Play Store > Menu > My apps & games > Beta: Waze is in the list of apps to Beta testing.

Contact Support through this form

Can I talk about the Beta Program to other people, like map editors?

While you can share the fact that you are a part of the Waze Beta program, everything that happens within Waze Discuss for Beta must remain confidential, including all features, discussions and forum threads.

Can anyone access Waze Discuss for Beta?

No, only members of the Beta community can access Waze Discuss for Beta.
Everything that happens within Waze Discuss for Beta must remain confidential, including all features, discussions and forum threads.

I have some feedback for Waze Discuss for Beta, where should I share it?

Please share your feedback through this thread

Am I expected to follow any rules, as a community member?

Waze's mission is to work together to improve the quality of everyone's daily driving. Waze is committed to creating a diverse and inclusive community.
To achieve these goals, community members are expected to uphold the Waze Community Code of Conduct as explained in this post.



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