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Waze Discuss for Beta

Important to know about Waze Discuss for Beta

Trust levels

Discourse has a built-in gamification system, with 4 “TLs” (Trust Levels):

The 4 levels are:

  • 0: New user
  • 1: Basic
  • 2: Member
  • 3: Regular
  • 4: This level will be reserved for Beta Leaders

As members move up the ranks, they can perform more actions on Waze Discuss.


  • Community members automatically rank up between levels 0-3, according to activity
  • During our upcoming migration, anyone who isn’t a Beta Leader will be set to TL0 or TL1.
    • Yes, all Centercode points will be lost. Sorry...
    • Not a Beta Leader? You may find yourself unable to complete certain actions.
      • Continue reading posts, voting and commenting and you will gradually rank up to gain access to more actions!
  • Want to read more about Trust Levels in Discourse? Click here

Bug reports

You be able to report bugs through both your Waze app and through Waze Discuss on a browser or app.

The process through the Waze app will be more streamlined than before:

  • Clicking the Report an Issue button in the app, will open a form which will allow you to directly report the bug.
  • No need to log in, since your Waze Discuss account is the same as your Waze account
  • When reporting bugs through the app, you'll be able to attach the logs directly to the bug report!

Access to Centercode

On Jan 15, 2022 Centercode will be switched to Read-Only mode.
We will keep this partial access active for a few months until we deactivate the Waze account on Centercode completely. 

The migration process and "Unlinked" users

We’re aiming to migrate all the content that was ever posted in Centercode into Waze Discuss
At first, we will be able to display the content of migrated bugs, posts and comment, but not the username field - those can only be populated after the user who submitted the content will migrate their account.

The username field will show "Unlinked" until the user who submitted the content completes their migration.
Please migrate your account by following the steps you received by email to own your content.


Great news on this front:
Waze Discuss will have the same chat as in WME, in the Editor’s forum, and the Waze app!
Any message you get in your app will also appear in the chat on all other Waze platforms!


Vote count will not be migrated from Centercode.
That means that all migrated bugs and SUGs will show 0 votes.
Votes are very important to us when we determine the impact of a bug, so the Beta Support team will gradually and manually add Centercode votes to important and active bugs, in a Staff Comment that appears above the post.
Around SUGs - our dear SugMods will help copying Votes for active and relevant SUGs.

We don't support the "Discourse Hub" app

Please note that we do not support the Discourse Hub app.

Our installation of Discourse, Waze Discuss, is heavily customized to our needs with dedicated enrichments that are not supported on the Discourse Hub app. 

They’re only supported on browsers, desktop and mobile.

We highly recommend that you access Waze Discuss through a browser, to enjoy the full experience.


The migration will reset any specific pieces of feedback you’re following. 
You won’t get email notifications for specific posts or bugs unless you find them in Waze Discuss and choose to start following them.
You will however be set to automatically follow the categories (forums) you’re a part of, i.e. Android, iOS, etc.
You can change this setting at any time, read more here.

No redirect from CC to WD

Using Centercode links will not redirect to Waze Discuss.
This means that clicking on links in old CC emails or replying through those emails will not direct you to Waze Discuss and it will not lead to a response posted in the new Waze Discuss.
Please don't use Centercode links or reply to Centercode emails after the migration.

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