Recevoir un rappel lorsqu'il est l'heure de partir

Waze peut vous indiquer quand partir pour un trajet planifié en fonction de votre position et du trafic en temps réel. 

Pour activer les rappels "Il est l'heure de partir", vous devez activer les notifications sur votre téléphone et dans l'application Waze. 

Step 1: Turn on Waze notifications on your phone

  1. Open your device's settings  
  2. Tap Apps
  3. Tap Waze
  4. Tap Notifications
  5. Turn on "Show notifications" 

Note: Steps may vary by device.

Step 2: Turn on "Time to leave" reminders in Waze

  1. Open Waze
  2. Tap
  3. Tap Planifier un trajet
  4. Tap Settings
  5. Tap Time to leave reminder
  6. Select your preferred timing: 
    • Early and Time to leave: Get a notification an hour and a half before it's time to leave and then another notification 10 minutes before it's time to leave
    • Time to leave (10 min before): Get a notification 10 minutes before it's time to leave

Note: For Waze to calculate the best time to leave based on your current location, make sure your device's location permission is set to "Allow all the time".

Get "Time to leave" notifications for upcoming calendar events

  1. Sync your calendar with Waze
  2. Check that your device's location permission is set to "Allow all the time" 
  3. Make sure your calendar events have a navigable address, including street name, house number, and city:
    1. Open Waze
    2.  Appuyez sur .
    3. Tap Plan a drive. If you see Set address, tap it to edit the address.

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