Požadovaná stránka nie je momentálne k dispozícii vo vašom jazyku. V dolnej časti stránky si môžete vybrať iný jazyk alebo si môžete okamžite preložiť ľubovoľnú webovú stránku do požadovaného jazyka pomocou vstavanej funkcie prekladu v prehliadači Google Chrome.

Share a link to a specific location or route

You can create and share a link to a specific location (permalink), route, or an area on the map.

Share a link to a specific location

  1. Go to the Live Map
  2. Under Driving directions, enter the relevant location: Starting point or destination 
  3. Click  in the bottom corner of the screen to copy the link to the location 

You can now share the location.

Share a link to a specific route

  1. Go to the Live Map
  2. Under Driving directions, enter your starting point and destination.
    Waze will provide you with up to three best routes.
  3. Click the preferred route
  4. Share the link or send it to your phone:
    • Click  and then click Copy Link to share the route
    • Click  and then follow the popup instructions to send the link to your phone

Note: If you want to share a link to your phone to plan a drive, these specific instructions should help.

Need more help? Check out our Waze Community forum for more questions and answers about Direction and navigation

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