Avoid unpaved roads

Set your navigation preferences to avoid unpaved roads.

Note: Waze may sometimes suggest routes that include unpaved roads when this feature is turned on, depending on the routes available at the time of your drive.

  1. Open Waze
  2. Tap
  3. Tap Settings
  4. Tap Navigation
  5. Tap Unpaved roads and select Don't allow
    Select Allow if you prefer to be routed through unpaved roads or select Avoid long ones if you prefer to avoid only long unpaved roads.

Set your preferences before your drive

You can adjust your settings for upcoming drives. Any changes you make are automatically applied to future drives.

  1. Open Waze
  2. Search for your destination
  3. Tap View routes if you're navigating to a new destination
  4. Tap Avoid on the top-left corner
  5. Tap View all navigation settings
  6. Tap Unpaved roads and select Don't allow
    Select Allow if you prefer to be routed through unpaved roads or select Avoid long ones if you prefer to avoid only long unpaved roads.

Android Auto

Avoid unpaved roads on Android Auto

  1. Open Waze
  2. Tap 
  3. Tap Navigation
  4. Tap Unpaved roads and select Don't allow
    Note: Select Allow if you prefer to be routed through unpaved roads or select Avoid long ones if you prefer to avoid only long unpaved roads.

Android Automotive (AAOS)

 Avoid unpaved roads on AAOS

  1. Open Waze
  2. Tap 
  3. Tap Navigation
  4. Tap Unpaved roads and select Don't allow
    Note: Select Allow if you prefer to be routed through unpaved roads or select Avoid long ones if you prefer to avoid only long unpaved roads.


Avoid unpaved roads on CarPlay

Disconnect your phone from your in-car system and adjust your settings on your phone. They’ll apply when you use Waze in your car.

Set your preferences from your current route

  1. Open Waze
  2. Tap 
  3. Tap 
  4. Tap Unpaved roads and select Don't allow
    Select Allow if you prefer to be routed through unpaved roads or select Avoid long ones if you prefer to avoid only long unpaved roads.

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