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Hotel keys

In Google Wallet, you can save and use your hotel keys at hotels where this feature is supported.

In Google Wallet, you can safely and securely use your hotel keys to access your Hotels, guestrooms and key card-protected common areas like gyms, pools, and elevators throughout the duration of your stay.

Add a hotel key

  1. Open the hotel’s website, app, or email.
  2. If needed, sign in to the hotel's website.
  3. Tap Add to Google Wallet.

    Tip: You can typically find this button on the reservation confirmation page from the hotel’s website, app, or email. If not found, the hotel may not support this feature. For more details, contact the hotel.

  4. Sign in to your Google Account that is associated with your Google Wallet.
  5. Tap Add and then View in Wallet.

You can now view your hotel key and reservation details provided by the hotel in Google Wallet.

Use a hotel key

Important: You must check in and be assigned to a room to activate your hotel key. To check in, use the hotel’s app, kiosk, or reception desk.

  1. Wake and unlock your phone.

    Tip: Some hotels allow you to use your hotel key without unlocking your phone. Learn how to manage your device unlock settings.

  2. Hold the back of your phone near the door handle.

Your hotel key in Google Wallet can safely and securely be used to access your room and key card-protected common areas like gyms, pools, and elevators throughout the duration of your stay.

Remove a hotel key

Important: When you check out, your hotel key will no longer be active.

  1. Open the Google Wallet app .
  2. Tap the hotel key that you want to remove.
  3. At the top right, tap More More.
  4. Scroll to the bottom.
  5. Tap Remove key and then Remove.

Fix issues with hotel keys

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