Google Wallet Pass classification

Certain passes in Google Wallet are classified as private passes to provide extra protection for items that may contain sensitive data. Private passes require extra verification and are not used to personalize your Google Wallet experience or shared with other Google products by default.

Learn more about how passes that are not classified as private passes are managed.

In Google Wallet, you can classify private passes multiple ways, including:

  • From a file
  • From a photo

Pass from a file

When a pass is added from a file, the data on the pass is processed by Google to determine the pass type. 

A pass from a file is classified as either:

  • A boarding pass if the pass contains a valid boarding pass barcode
  • A private pass to protect your privacy if the pass contains sensitive data

Google is continuously working to improve our classification methods and may expand on the types of classification as new methods are developed.

If you need help with adding a pass from a converted file to Google Wallet, learn how to manage items in Google Wallet.

Pass from a photo

By capturing an image containing a barcode or QR code, you can create a pass in Google Wallet.

These passes are not classified as private passes. Do not add photos that contain sensitive information, such as your driver’s license or health insurance card.

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