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Save your corporate badge to Google Wallet

To access supported office buildings securely, you can add your corporate badge to your Android device. You need:

Add a corporate badge to Google Wallet

Important: You can add your badge to only one phone and one watch at the same time.

  1. On your Android phone, install “Google Wallet” from Play Store.
  2. Sign in with your Gmail account.
  3. Sign in on the employer app or website with the sign-in instructions from your employer.
  4. Scroll and find the “Add to Google Wallet” option.
  5. Tap Add to Google Wallet .
  6. If you have more than one device, select one.
  7. Tap Continue.
  8. Verify your identity with your screen lock or password.
  9. Tap View in Wallet.

Tip: To add an existing corporate badge to a smartwatch, learn how to add your corporate badge to a smartwatch.

Remove a corporate badge

Use your corporate badge

Important: For a list of locations that accept mobile corporate badges with Google Wallet, consult your office or employer.

After you add your corporate badge to Google Wallet, you can use your device for building, parking, and printing access.

  1. Wake up your device. You don't need to unlock it.
  2. Hold it to the card reader until you find a blue check mark on your screen.

Tip: For added security, you can set up your device so that it must be unlocked to complete an NFC transaction.

Fix problems with your mobile corporate badge

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